Precious moments

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All his life all Jack has ever wanted was a special family to call his own. Of course he always considered the Newsies as family and nothing would ever change that. Now he was here, after many years of struggles, sitting in the lodging house surrounded by family on Christmas Day; all of the Newsies, his wife-Katherine- and his two beautiful children-Tommy and Eliza. The whole house was in a cacophony of noise: some people playing poker, some singing songs, some baking and the children all playing games.

He drew his attention to his daughter Eliza, who was now nearly 2 and a half, she was playing with Davey and Clara's dog, Poppy. She was a perfect replica of Katherine, same chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes, she was even named after Katherine (With his wife's middle name being Elizabeth, they thought the name Eliza was perfect, Ellie for short.). "What'cha doin' Ellie?" He asked her as he leaned forward on the couch.

"Having fun with Poppy! She's so cute Daddy!" She exclaimed with her adorable two year old voice.

"Yeah she is," He said with a chuckle," You love her a lot don't yous?"

"Yep, can we get a dog daddy?"

"Oh I don't knowse Ellie, you'll have ta ask your motha." He couldn't say no to her but he knew Katherine would be livid if he got a dog without him asking her first.

"Ok!" With that, the energetic toddler went skipping into the Kitchen were her mother was currently cooking the Christmas dinner. Jack couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm; he knew he was one of the luckiest men alive with his two amazing children, they both got along so well and were very well behaved (most of the time). Speaking of his children he decided to get up and find his 5 year old son, Tommy.

His quest led him to the kitchen were he found his son playing 'Army' with Davey and Clara's son Lewis and a few other of the Newsies sons. Thomas Kelly was the first born to Kelly family and to say Jack wasn't at all scared when Katherine told him she was pregnant would be a lie. He was completely terrified. Despite this, in the past few years they have both become some of the greatest parents to Tommy and Eliza. Jack had to dodge out of the way as two rambunctious children came zooming past him.

"Woah, watch it!" He laughed, "Somethin' smells amazing in here" He allowed the thick scent of cooked turkey fill his lungs. Slowly he made his way over to his wife, who was currently icing the cake for later, stood close behind her and put his hands on her hips.

"You hungry?" She asked him as he took a dollop of icing on his finger and ate it.

"Very!" Having this sudden urge to eat every bit of food in the room.

"Well you're going to have to wait a little bit longer because the potatoes aren't finished, and you need to stop eating the icing before it's all gone." She added, laughing as he looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes.


"But no!" She said in a mocking tone. She got a bit of icing on her spoon and put it on Jack's nose.

"Hey!" He started to complain but Katherine cut him off with a sweet kiss on the lips. Jack being Jack went to deepen the kiss but Katherine pulled away, instead he placed one on her neck, still hugging her from behind. Katherine turned her head slowly so it was resting on Jack's, which was resting on her shoulder.

"Could you do me a favour and set the table for us all to sit and eat?" She spoke softly.

"Sure." Jacked placed one last kiss on her cheek before leaving and going to the dining room.

"You two are so cute." Clara lightly chuckled as Jack left.

Katherine started to blush, she forgot that she was there, "You and Davey do it all the time!" She accused.

"I know, I know, I was just saying" Clara raised her hands in defence.


"Hey Jackie boy, how ya doin'?" Crutchie said as he hoppled into the lodging house. Jack's head snapped around to his life long best friend- No, his brother. He didn't even say anything back, he just ran up to the smaller boy and gave him a bone crushing hug. Crutchie had been in Maryland for the past 6 years due to his job and so he couldn't see the rest of the newsies very often.

"I'm great, what about you?" Jack spoke softly, he was just glad to see the person he had known for the longest.

"Same" Crutchie too spoke with a soft tone. The pair stayed there for what seemed like forever until Crutchie was no longer able to support himself on his crutch. In the living were most of the newsboys that Jack had grew up with (Along with a few new boys), this made Jack's heart fill with joy as it took him back to the time of the strike that seemed a long time ago (which it sort of was because it took place 10 years ago). However, it also felt as though it was only yesterday that he stepped up to fill the role of leader and started a newsboy revolution. Yet here he was, 10 years later with some wrinkles and unshaven stubble on his chin, all of the boys had aged too. Heck, even Les was no longer a little boy anymore. This made Jack wonder what his life would look like in 10 more years: he would be 37 and most likely have some grey hairs and a few more wrinkles (these were inevitable with having children), maybe he and Katherine would have some more children or maybe they would get a pet instead, maybe they would get to visit Santa Fe some day or maybe they would just always stay in New York. Jack didn't care what happened in his life as long as he and his family were happy.


Later on, all the Newsies were crowded round the dinning table, food blanketed the table. Dusk was settling outside and the warm light of sunset created a warm atmosphere. Jack was in a state of euphoria; back when he was a teenager he never dreamt his life would be so perfect, it was everything he could've wanted. He leaned into his wife and snuggled next to her for a few moments.

"Are you ok? " she asked as his head rubbed on her shoulder.

"Yes, just extremely grateful for my life right now."

"I know, these are the kind of moments that I will cherish for all of my days." She spoke as she looked around the table. She could see al the genuinely cheerful faces of all the people she truly cared for. "Merry Christmas Jack."

"Merry Christmas my love."

Katherine was right, these moments were beyond precious and he could never imagine his life to be any different.

Ok so this went a bit messy, but I did promise some more happier one shots so here you go. Again, I am still new to writing on Wattpad so I am still adjusting and trying to come up with story ideas so if anyone has any requests I will gladly write some. Also, thank you so much for 30+ reads! It means so much to me! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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