Dear Future Husband

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Cluttering echoed through the house. Pulitzer looked up from the papers sat on his desk and listened out for where the sound was coming from. After a few moments he heard the distinct smashing sound of a vase as it dropped to the floor and broke into a million pieces.

"What the-" he was cut short as a large thump rippled through the air. Quickly, he arose from his desk and walked up the stairs to the source of all the noise. His hunt led him into his youngest child's former bedroom. Before him he saw a 25 year old Katherine rapidly trying to clear up the smashed vase before anyone saw her. Katherine's room was notably the smallest room in the house, even after her siblings had moved out she wasn't allowed to move into one of their rooms. However, despite it being the smallest, it was still humongous compared to your average sized room. He scanned the room looking at the destruction she had made; cupboards doors were swung open, boxes were scattered, papers were crumpled; it was a complete mess!

"Umm, Katherine what are you doing?" He asked, still trying to absorb the state the room was in.

"Oh! Uh...Uh...Well...J-just a bit of..." She stammered.

"By making it more messy than how it began?" He knew she was lying.

"Oh..." Katherine finally looked around her, now she was definitely in trouble. She chewed on her lip as she tried to come up with a way of explaining what she was actually doing without sounding stupid. She began to fiddle with her hands, twisting her engagement ring round and round her finger. It was only simple, the best that Jack could afford. She and him were to be married in a few days and all of their family and friends had been extremely busy trying to organise everything and Katherine had taken a short break to fetch something from her old home: A letter.

"What is it you are looking for dear? Must be important considering the fact that you've practically turned your entire room upside down." Pulitzer noticed the uneasy expression on his daughter's face.

"Well, it's stupid really," She began to pace around the room and pick up the objects that had been thrown to the floor in frustration whilst desperately trying to find that small piece of paper, "it''s a letter, only a small piece of paper and sealed with our family's wax seal."

"Who was the letter addressed to?" He asked as he too began searching through drawers.


"I see, unopened?"


"Who was it from?"


"What?" Pulitzer stopped in his tracks.

"It was a letter I wrote when I was a child, I promised to never open it until the day I got married. Therefore, I've never opened it or even touched it, the problem is that I can't remember where I've put it and-" She knocked a lamp off the bedside table, the lightbulb shattering in the process.

"Woah watch out!" He ran to her side and started to pick up the pieces of broken glass. "Are you sure you haven't thrown it away?"

"No, I'm positive that I wouldn't have gotten rid of it." She continued searching through the endless drawers.

"How come it is so important to you?"

"It was a letter that I wrote to my future husband. I was bored one day and mother suggested that I write a letter to practice my writing. She sat and helped me, it's one of my favourite memories I have of her..." Katherine's mother died when she was just 12 years old. Pulitzer's face notably saddened at the mention of his late wife. "She knew that she wouldn't ever get the chance to see me get married and wanted to at least have a small input in my big day. I promised that I would read the letter on my wedding day and share it with my to-be-husband. I'll never forget her, how kind she was to me and to all of us, this letter just seems to be the right thing to do to try and keep the memory of her alive."

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