Jessica gets discovered

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  • Dedicated to Jessika Amber

It was Monday, March 14th and Jessica was driving to the dance studio in her baby blue Mercedes Benz. She pulled up to the dance studio and got out. She grabbed her radio and went into the studio. She plugged it up and changed into her dance outfit. She played Try Again by Aaliyah and stretched a little bit. She started dancing to it and watching her reflection in the mirrors. She was smiling and singing the song. Jessica was living in Michigan but she moved to New York City, New York to make a more better living for herself. P. Diddy was walking down the street and he stopped at the dance studio where Jessica was. The studio where Jessica was at was called Pearl Studios where the Hip Hop Dance Junkies have their classes at and the studio is in Manhattan, NY. P. Diddy went inside the studio and watched Jessica dance and sing. They looked at each other and she cut off the music.

Jessica: You, what are you doin' here?

P. Diddy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I just couldn't help, but admire how you were singin' and dancin'.

Jessica: Yeah, right, well, I like to keep this kinda stuff to myself, I don't want nobody to know what I do in my spare time.

P. Diddy: I'm lookin' for some new talent, my name's P. Diddy, but you can call me Diddy, I work with Bad Boy Records also known as Bad Boy Entertainment, and I would like you to be a part of it, what's your name?

Jessica: Jessica, Jessica Amber, listen, I'm not about to join no damn record label, so, you can make money off of me, so, you can find somebody else.

P. Diddy: We won't be makin' money off of you, think about makin' your own music videos, and makin' your own music, gettin' a big, fat check, think about it, here's my card, call me.

He gave her his business card and she took it from him.

Jessica: All right, I'll think it over, and I know that it involves a contract, so, I'll have my lawyer present with me to look it over.

She grabbed her dance bag and radio and left the studio. P. Diddy watched her go and she got in her car. She drove back to her house in New York City, NY.

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