Zoe talks to Anonymous about the party

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After the party, they told everybody bye and left. They drove away in Zoe's car and Anonymous let out a soft sigh. Anonymous moved her hair out of her face and Zoe kept her eyes on the road.

Zoe: So, what do you gotta do, tomorrow?

Anonymous: Oh, I'm goin' on tour, tomorrow. There's this group that me and my friends put together called Myxxed Breed and we're startin' to do our concerts.

Zoe: Well, if you guys are lookin' for a third or fourth person, you can always give me a call.

Anonymous: We'll do. You know, I'm never gonna leave you out on an opportunity.

Zoe: Yeah, I know that. So, did you enjoy yourself?

Anonymous: Yeah, I surely did. It's been awhile, since, I've been to a premiere party, and an after party.

Zoe: I'm glad you came.

Anonymous: Me, too.

Zoe: You gon' give me some free tickets to your concerts and take me to the BET Awards?

Anonymous: Oh, hell, yeah. If I gave you free tickets to go see me wrestle, then, of course, I'm gonna give you free tickets to go see my concerts. I'll call you and let you know, if we're hittin' your city or not, okay?

Zoe: Okay, well, this is it.

She had pulled up to the airport and they got out. They went inside and walked towards Anonymous's flight. They gave each other a hug and looked at each other.

Anonymous: Okay, well, it's time for me to go again.

Zoe: We'll call each other.

Anonymous: Yeah, we will.

Zoe: I love you.

Anonymous: I love you, too.

Anonymous walked away and gave the stewardess her plane ticket. She got on the plane and the stewardess closed the door behind her. She typed in the code to lock the door and the plane took off. Zoe looked out the window and watched the plane fly away, until, it was gone. She walked out of the airport and got in her car. She drove home and Anonymous took her cellphone out of her purse.

She looked at it and opened the phone. She had over a hundred missed calls on her phone and she called Jessica. Jessica looked at her phone and answered it.

Jessica: Hello?

Anonymous: What was it that you guys need me for because I just checked my phone and I've missed over a hundred calls comin' from you guys.

Jessica: We wanted to let you know that you need to be back here by, tomorrow mornin'. Are you still at the party?

Anonymous: No, I'm on the plane, right now, headin' back to ATL. So, don't get your panties in a bunch.

Jessica: I'm not.

Anonymous: Well, you guys are actin' like it with all of the calls during the party, before the party, and after the party.

Jessica: We just wanted you to remember.

Anonymous: Well, Jessi, I remember perfectly. I'm gonna let you go. I'll see you when I get home.

Jessica: Wait, how did the party go?

Anonymous: It was great. Stan Lee's gonna create a character that's about me and he wants me to start being in his movies like X-Men.

Jessica: That's awesome, sis.

Anonymous: I know, sis. I can't wait for it. Well, I'm gonna get me some sleep before the plane lands. Hopefully, it'll be in Atlanta before the mornin' comes, goodnight.

Jessica: Goodnight, sis.

They hung up and Anonymous put her cellphone back in her purse. She laid her head down against the window and went to sleep.

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