Patrick talks to Diamond

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  • Dedicated to Tyisha Breeding

Patrick and Diamond left the living room and went outside on the patio. Diamond sat down in a chair and Patrick pulled up a chair. He sat down across from her and put her right foot on his lap. He took her shoe off and started massaging her foot. She moaned softly and they smiled at each other.

Diamond: Do you do this with all of your girlfriends that you meet?

Patrick: Only the special ones, and you're a special one.

Diamond: Pat, I'm not ready--.

Patrick gave her a long kiss and a quick kiss. She bit her bottom lip and he gave her another long kiss.

Patrick: You were sayin'?

Diamond: I wasn't, I'm not ready for a relationship, yet, the last guy I went out with, he hurt me so bad, he hurt me down to my soul, and I felt like I was gonna die, but I didn't, I let him get too close.

Patrick: He cheated on you, didn't he?

Diamond: Yeah, he did, h-how did you know that?

Patrick: You're a little easy to read, Diamond, Ambrya did that to me, too, so, now, I be careful with who I give my heart to.

Diamond: I'm sorry, I didn't know, I mean, who would wanna cheat on you, I mean, you're you.

Patrick (half-laughed): I know, right, who was your last boyfriend?

Diamond: John Cena, he cheated on me with Nikki Bella, but A doesn't know it, yet.

Patrick: Are you gonna tell her?

Diamond: No, if I tell her, she'll kill both John and Nikki right on the spot, and plus, she's friends with both of'em, we should keep this between us.

Patrick: Okay, you know, it feels good being with someone who understands me, we should've been goin' out with each other, so, what do we expect to hear from Myxxed Breed?

Diamond: That's for us to know, and for you guys to find out.

Patrick: Oh, come on, Di, just give me a hint.

Diamond got up and took her clothes off except her bra and panties. She walked towards the pool and they looked at each other.

Diamond: You've gotta come get me, if you want that answer or are you just too chicken?

She dived into the pool and Patrick got up. He took his clothes off except his boxers and dived into the pool. They went underwater and she swam around him in a circle. He grabbed her hands and gave her a long kiss. Her hair floated all around her face and they smiled at each other. He started kissing her and they held onto each other. They swam up slowly together and panted heavily. They moved each other's hair out of their faces and Patrick tried to kiss her again but she kissed his bottom lip quick-like.

Patrick: You're so beautiful underwater, don't make me pass out, now.

Diamond (half-laughed): Whatever, you're just sayin' that.

Patrick: I'm dead ass serious, Diamond, now, where were we?

Diamond: I was duckin' from you kissin' me.

Patrick: The music, the dances to'em, what're we gonna see?

Diamond: You're gonna see this, and plus, our songs isn't gonna be freaky deaky like your song, Cookie.

She pushed him down underwater by his shoulders and swam away. He swam up and after her. He blocked her way and backed her against the pool wall.

Patrick: It doesn't have to be like Cookie, it can be like this.

He gave her a kiss and he started kissing her. They held onto each other and goosebumps appeared on their arms. They moaned softly and Jessica and Kelly saw what they were doing. They went back into the house.

Diamond: I gotta go, Pat.

Patrick: Wait a minute, you can't go, we just got in here, don't you wanna stay in here, swim around with me, and maybe, make out with me 'til the sun comes up.

Diamond: Sorry, but I don't think Ms. Adrian would want us to do that.

She got out of the pool and Patrick followed her. He picked her up and they went into the house.  

The Life of Myxxed Breed Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"Where stories live. Discover now