Anonymous gets discovered

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Anonymous was backstage at wrestlemania getting ready for her tag team match with The Usos and The Funkadactyls and they were going against Randy Orton, CM Punk, AJ Lee, Layla, and Summer Rae. The Funkadactyls went into the Divas' locker room and walked towards Anonymous. She cut her phone off and put it in her bag.

Naomi: Hey, Jhene, are you ready to kick some ass, tonight?

Anonymous: Yeah, kind of.

Cameron: Hey, there ain't no kind of about it, A, you know, you wanna kick some ass, tonight, especially, if you wanna beat the crap out of Layla for sayin' all kinds of crazy stuff about you.

Naomi: Wait a minute, Cameron, you don't wanna wrestle with us?

Anonymous: It's about The Usos.

Cameron: Oh, I know where this is goin', they make you nervous, sometimes, I mean, them being your ex-boyfriends?

Anonymous: Yeah, but listen, I'm cool with it, the relationship between me and those two are strictly friends, and I would like to keep it that way, I'm just a little nervous is all.

Naomi: Are you gonna be okay with havin' them as our tag team partners?

Anonymous: Yeah, I'm gonna be okay.

The Usos walked into the locker room and the girls looked at them.

Anonymous: I've gotta go take a walk, I'll see you guys out in the ring.

She left the locker room and they watched her go.

Naomi: Jhene.

Jey: What's wrong with Jhene?

Cameron: She's kinda nervous about the match.

Jimmy: It's about us, isn't it, you know what, don't even worry about answerin' that, I know it is, we'll talk to her about it later.

Naomi: Jimmy, don't you start, you know how she is. 

Jimmy: Yeah, I do, which makes us know what in the hell she is thinkin'.

Jey: Look, let's just worry about this later, round up Jhene, and win this fuckin' match, come on, let's go, you, too, Cameron. 

They left the locker room and The Usos came out to the ring. Their background music had came on and they got into the ring. The Funkadactyls' background music came on and they came out. They started dancing and got into the ring. Baddie by OMG Girlz came on and Anonymous came out. She started hitting people's hands while she was walking towards the ring and she got into the ring. She high-fived the Funkadactyls and the Usos and looked at the ramp. Randy Orton's background music came on and he came out. He got into the ring and did his signature pose just like the others did. He got down from the ropes and looked at Anonymous flirtatiously. She shot him a bird and walked away. CM Punk's background music came on and he came out. He got in the ring and did his signature pose. He got down from the ropes and got beside Randy. AJ Lee's background music came on and she came out skipping to the ring. She got in the ring and got beside CM Punk. Summer Rae's background music came on and she came out to the ring. She got beside AJ and Layla's background music came on. She came out to the ring and did her signature pose. She got beside Randy and smiled at Anonymous. The Funkadactyls was stopping Anonymous from getting to her.

Lillian Garcia: This is a no disqualification match, the team of The Usos, Anonymous J, and The Funkadactyls are up against the team of Randy Orton, CM Punk, AJ Lee, Layla, and Summer Rae.

Lillian got out of the ring and sat down in her chair. The match started and Jimmy Uso was starting off against CM Punk. After the others got in and out of the ring to fight, Naomi tagged Anonymous in and got out of the ring. Anonymous got in the ring and started punching Layla in her face, until, they got into a corner. The referee pulled Anonymous back and she kicked Layla in her face. She pulled Layla out of the corner by her hair and threw her to the ropes. She ran towards Layla and speared her in the stomach. She grabbed Layla's legs and Layla held onto the top rope. She started screaming and Anonymous threw her legs down. She let go of the ropes and put the back of her hand on her back. Anonymous wrapped Layla's legs around her waist and turned her onto her stomach. Layla started screaming in pain and agony and Anonymous was bending her body all the way down slowly. She held her hand out to her tag team partners and they were doing the same thing to her. She tapped out and the bell rang. The match was over with and The Usos' team won. The Usos and The Funkadactyls got in the ring and hugged Anonymous. The referee held up Anonymous and Jimmy's arms up and all of them left the ring. Anonymous went into the Divas' locker room and took a shower. She started singing and rapping Baddie by OMG Girlz. The Funkadactyls walked in and heard her singing and rapping. After Anonymous took her shower and changed into regular clothes, she grabbed her gym bag and left the locker room. Usher walked towards her and called her name. She turned around and stopped walking. He got in front of her. The Usos and The Funkadactyls were watching them.

Anonymous: Can I help you with somethin'?

Usher: Uh, yes, you can, my name's Usher Raymond, I work with RBMG, which stands for Raymond Braun Media Group, and I've been lookin' for some new talent, your name is?

Anonymous: Anonymous, Anonymous Jhene.

Usher: Anonymous Jhene, well, that's a great name for an up and comin' artist, there have been rumors about you dancin', singin', rappin', and actin', it's even up on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, I can't help, but notice a young woman with your talent.

Anonymous: Listen, um, Usher, I was just doin' that as a hobby, I mean, I've got plenty of things to do like philanthropy, wrestlin', fashion designin', my hair products, body products, and my perfumes, not to mention, being a professional choreographer.

Usher: Anonymous, this is your chance to shine through somethin' else, young women like you would love to get a chance at an offer like this, we won't be makin' money off of you, you'll be gettin' a big, fat check, and even whenever you retire from this business, you'll still be gettin' a big, fat check, if you're worried about us cheatin' you outta your hard earned money, then, you don't have to worry about that, only crooked record labels does that not us, here's my number, if you change your mind, call me.

He gave her his number on a card and she took it from him.

Anonymous: I'll think about it.

She put the card in her pocket and walked away. She got into her orange SUV and left the arena. She lives in Miami, FL, and she's trying to make a better life for herself. She used to live in Alma, Ga.

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