Chillin' at Myxxed Breed's house

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After Myxxed Breed got done recording their songs in the studio, they went home and sat down in the living room. Anonymous was sitting on the sofa messing with her iPhone 5 and a call on her phone came through. It was her very first boyfriend, and now, ex-boyfriend, Jason Momoa.

Anonymous: You guys, I don't think this is gonna work out for us.

Jessica: What's not gonna work out for us, being with this label or being with Jim as our manager?

Anonymous: Uh, both, I mean, there're many great managers, and record labels out there for us like Usher, Master P, Jay-Z, Jermaine Dupri, Island Def Jam, Murder Inc., Roc Nation, RBMG, and many more.

Diamond: Jhene, you're not havin' those bad dreams again, are you?

Anonymous: No, not really, I just have a bad vibe about all of this, the management, and the label, just think about it.

Jessica: We'll think about it, A, you're not hidin' anything from us, are you?

Anonymous (in frustration): No, my God.

She left the living room and went into her room.

Diamond: A!

Anonymous: Just leave me the hell alone, please!

She slammed her door behind her and locked it. Diamond glared at Jessica.

Jessica: What, I only asked a question.

Diamond: There're specific questions that we don't ask her, Jess.

Jessica: Well, sorry.

Diamond: Tell that Jhene whenever she comes back out, if she ever comes back out.

Anonymous answered her cellphone and put it to her ear.

Anonymous: Hello?

Jason: Hey, I've been tryna reach you.

Anonymous: Well, I've been busy, how's your marriage goin' with Lisa Bonet.

Jason: It's goin' good, though, I miss you.

Anonymous: Jason, don't start with me on this again.

Jason: Jaylynn, it's been six years, since, we broke up, and we haven't talked, since, then.

Anonymous: And it should stay that way, you've gotta family, now, you don't have no time to be chasin' girls anymore.

Jason: Who said I was chasin' girls, I was mainly chasin' you.

Anonymous: Yeah, and you were chasin' Lisa, too, look, I can't talk about this with you, right now, I've got my own shit to do, and so, do you.

Jason: Lynna, please.

Anonymous: Goodbye, Jason, good luck with your married life.

She hung up and he looked at his phone. He hung up and she walked out of the room. She saw Jessica and Diamond and she put her phone in her pocket.

Anonymous: Did you hear?

Jessica: Yeah, bits and pieces of it.

Anonymous: You guys, I don't, I don't love him anymore.

Diamond: Are you sure about that?

Anonymous: I was talkin' to Jason, and I've been ignorin' him, and avoidin' him, ever since, we broke up, I thought it would be healthy for us.

Jessica: Healthy for you guys how, A?

Anonymous: Well, he's married, now, and he's gotta family behind him, now, and I don't wanna screw that up for him, why do you think I've been ignorin', and avoidin' him, his calls, his text messages, and his emails, I don't ever wanna see him again.

Diamond: You can't ignore, and avoid him forever, A, you're gonna have to deal with whatever problems you had with him in the past.

Anonymous: It's easy for you to say.

Jessica: He was your first boyfriend, and you know what, they say, you can never get over your first nor forget'em.

Anonymous: Well, this chica right here does, and she's over all of her exes includin' her first.

Diamond: Are you sure about that?

Anonymous nodded her head yes a little bit.

Jessica: Jhene, we're here for you, if you need us, you know that, right?

Anonymous: Yeah, I do.

She walked away and went into the living room. She sat down on the sofa and they followed her. They sat down on the couches and Anonymous criss-crossed her legs.

Diamond: So, are you gonna go out with Carnell?

Anonymous: I don't know, he's gotta kid, and I would feel uneasy about goin' out with him while he has a daughter, the same thing that happened between me and Dustin will happen between me and Carnell.

Jessica: You don't know that, sis.

Anonymous: Try me, Jess, anyways, I'm not ready for a boyfriend, right now.

Diamond: Yes, you are, and you're gonna get outta that shell of yours.

Anonymous: So, what about you guys's relationships with your new boyfriends?

Jessica: Awesome, and yet, Bryan is still tryna get with me.

Diamond: Fantastic, I think he's the one for me, you guys.

Anonymous: Great, now, that's what I wanna hear.

Jessica: And we wanna hear somethin' good from you, Jhene.

Anonymous: I'm glad that we're in a group together, and that we're friends.

Diamond: We mean besides that, we're talkin' about a relationship. 

Anonymous: I'm gonna have a relationship with somebody, don't worry, it's just that the relationship ain't gon' happen, right now.

Jessica: Well, when is it gonna happen, whenever you're 60?

Anonymous: No, just once I get my priorities straight, but for, right now, it's all about my careers.

Diamond: And once you have your careers under control, then, what?

Anonymous: I'll start on my relationship with some guy another.

Jessica: You need to start, now, Jhene, please?

Anonymous: No, now, just drop it.

Diamond: Do you know a way to a guy's heart?

Anonymous: Besides being good in bed, yes, it's through his stomach, men loves good food.

Jessica: And good sex.

Anonymous: I'm gonna start cookin'.

She left the living room and went into the kitchen. She started cooking creamy chicken and shrimp fettuccine alfredo, breadsticks, fiesta corn, and cheesecake with peach cobbler.

The Life of Myxxed Breed Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"Where stories live. Discover now