Myxxed Breed performs at Jayden's B'day party

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A month later went by and Diamond Breeding, Anonymous Jhene, and Jessica Amber let out their first solo albums with their record labels. B5 had called them to come down to Atlanta, Ga for Jayden's birthday party, and plus, there was a surprise for all three of them. It was Friday, April 5th. They went to B5's house and looked all around them. Adrian, Elyssa, Myxx, B5, and Jim McMahan walked towards them and hugged them. Loissa hugged Anonymous Jhene for a long period of time.

Loissa: It's so great to see you guys again, especially, you, A, Jayden just can't wait to see you, I'll bring him out.

She let go of Anonymous and walked away. Anonymous gasped and panted softly. Diamond and Jessica patted her back softly.

Diamond: You all right, A?

Anonymous: Yeah, I'm okay, it's been awhile, since, somebody did that to me.

Jessica: Just be glad you weren't onstage this time, A.

Anonymous: Yeah, right, like I wanna experience that again.

Carnell: Wait a minute, Jhene got pulled offstage by a fan?

Diamond: Yeah, it's all over YouTube, you guys should check it out, it happened at one of her concerts.

Adrian: We're so glad you guys could make it, we were beginnin' to worry.

Anonymous: Oh, you don't have to worry about us not makin' it, Ms. Breeding, we'll conquer anything just to see Dustin's baby boy on his big day.

Jessica: Anonymous is right, Jayden only turns one-year-old just once, and we wouldn't wanna miss that, is any of his friends comin'?

Kelly: Actually, they're in the backyard playin', and waitin' on him.

Elyssa: So, what're you guys gonna perform for Jayden, I mean, you've gotta have somethin' in mind.

Diamond: All three of us have never been on a track with each other, ever.

Evonne: Well, you guys have gotta think of somethin', what about Baddie by OMG Girlz?

Anonymous: And have Jayden goin' to preschool next Monday lookin' like Thugnificent from The Boondocks, I don't think so, these are little kids that we're talkin' about, Eve.

Elizabeth: Okay, what about Strut by The Cheetah Girls or Cinderella by Play.

Jessica: Let's do Strut by The Cheetah Girls.

Anonymous and Diamond agreed with her.

Anonymous: Wait, hold on a minute, mamacita, I only rap.

Diamond: And it doesn't hurt to sing, senorita.

Patrick: Okay, great, we've gotta homemade stage for you guys in the backyard.

Loissa brought out Jayden and he looked at the three girls, especially, Anonymous. Loissa gave Jayden to Anonymous and he started clapping his hands, laughing, and smiling.

Jayden: A, Di, Jessi.

Anonymous: Hey, baby boo, you gon' have the best time of your life, today.

Diamond: Yes, you are, we're gonna perform for you, it's gonna be pure fun for you, baby boy.

Jessica: You're gonna have so much fun with all of us, Jay.

Each of the girls held Jayden and he laughed, smiled, and clapped his hands with all three of them

Adrian: Come on, Jayden, let's go play with your friends.

She took Jayden out of Diamond's arms and went to the backyard with him. Dustin and Carnell was watching Anonymous the whole entire time, Patrick was watching Diamond the whole entire time, and Kelly and Bryan was watching Jessica the whole entire time. There was awkward silence in the dining room.

Loissa: So, um, great albums you guys put out, we listen to your music almost all the time.

Jessica: How interestin' to hear from another artist, are you a fan of our music, too?

Loissa: Yeah, actually, I am.

Elyssa: You guys should be in a group together.

Evonne: She's right, I mean, combine the flavas, potential, and your energetical acts together, and you've got it.

Elizabeth: So, what do you guys think?

Diamond: That sounds cool, I've always imagined being in a group one day, a singin' and rappin' group.

Jessica: I haven't thought about being in a group, but it's worth a shot, what about you, A?

Anonymous: I'm not into being in a group, I'm more of a solo artist, and I'm used to being on the lonely road.

Diamond: But you would give it a shot, right?

Anonymous: Yeah, just to see what it's like, you know what, we should get ready for our performance.

After singing Happy Birthday to Jayden and Jayden opening his presents from everybody, Diamond, Anonymous, and Jessica did their performance to Strut by The Cheetah Girls. They messed up in the middle of their performance because the heel of Jessica's boot got stuck between the wooden boards of the homemade stage and the girls helped her get it out from between the boards. Diamond and Jessica fell down and Anonymous did a backflip over them. She fell face first into a big slice of Jayden's birthday cake on somebody's plate and the girls posed while they were on the homemade stage's floor. The kids and grownups laughed at their mess up and Anonymous had cake frosting all over her face. The song ended and the girls got up. 

Diamond: Jhene, are you okay?

Anonymous: Yeah, I'm okay, what about you guys?

Jessica: Oh, we're okay, we just know that we're not the ones who landed in somebody's cake face first.

Myxx, Elyssa, Adrian, Diamond, and Jessica wiped the frosting off of Anonymous's face with some napkins.

Anonymous: Okay, thanks for the help, I'ma just go wash this stuff off my face.

She went into the house and did what she said.

The outfits that they performed in are in the Multimedia box, so, look there.

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