Chapter 15- Cuddles and Warm Juice

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Nathan's POV

I gave the piece of paper back to Lauren after reading what she had written. Surprisingly enough she was half way through writing a song. Yes a song and no it isn't babyish. It's actually a decent song me and the boys can use or me and Lauren. Lau took the paper back and never showed Chloe so I think she wasn't happy but I understand why. Before leaving Lauren's room I kissed her forehead.

"Pyjamas on soon princess please." I asked her politely hoping for a response which I got.

"Daddy after I put my pyjamas on can I snuggle with you and mummy in your bed?"

"What's the magic word?"

"Hakuna Matata!" She's clearly my child and she knows me so well.

"Not that one, the other magic word!"

"Please daddy? Also can you or mummy get me undressed please?"

Needy child but if we say no, me and Clo will regret it afterwards when we see her struggling.

"Good girl and yes, mummy will help you get changed after we've got changed into our pyjamas etc."

Lauren nodded and continued writing her song. Without her noticing me and Chloe left the room and we are now in our room. I kissed her passionately before we both got our pyjamas on well I put some joggers on as I don't wear pyjamas. Yes I was topless and yes I know Chloe will be dribbling while she's getting changed but oh well. I left the room and made it back downstairs where I'm going to make me and Clo a cuppa and make Lauren some warm juice in her bottle which is purple with butterflies as the pattern. After turning everything off I went back upstairs and into my room with the drinks. When I got up there I saw Chloe and Lauren snuggling into each other tight which I found cute. Anyway I placed Chloe's tea on the bedside table on her side of the bed and mine on my side of the bed. I got into bed with my girlies and we all snuggled tight for around five minutes before I gave Lau her warm juice which she sucked up quickly. A little to quick for my liking. She handed me her bottle which I took off her and put it next to my tea. She cuddled tightly into us and got really comfy before shutting her eyes. Looks like she's sleeping with us tonight.

Chloe was taking a drink of her tea while moving Lauren's hair away from her face. I smiled at her which she gave me back. Me and Clo talked for a while before I noticed the time 10:43pm. The time we all should be going to sleep.

"Clo, me or you taking Lauren back to her bed?"

"You can."

Chloe kissed Lauren's forehead before whispering 'goodnight princess' to her. I on the other hand picked her up and moved her into her own bed before saying the same as my gorgeous wife. Afterwards I made my way back into my room. Chloe was already lying in bed awaiting me to snuggle her so we both can go to sleep in warmth. I walked over and lifted the duvet up on my side getting underneath and meeting my gorgeous, perfect girl in the middle of our king size bed. We cuddled and kissed before falling asleep slowly.

"I love you babe!" I mumbled into her neck.

"I love you too Nath!" She replied and kissed my cheek leaving a warm fuzzy feeling. Five minutes later we were both completely out like box.


So hey guys I'm deeply sorry I haven't updated recently but I've been busy with my GCSE's. But please can I have some feedback in the comments or I may not continue updating. I love you all and thank you so much for 2.5k reads so far. It's honestly amazing.

Love from Lauren

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