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Madyson's POV

All day today I heard my new release being played. It's nice, knowing that people are enjoying your music.

I was about to fall asleep when Anslee slapped my arm. I turned around to give her a dirty look.

"What was that for?! I told you to never wake me up unless One Direction was in the room, and I clearly don't see them here!"

"Dude you're falling asleep, and you can't get detention, you have a ton of work to do after school. Rehearsals already drain you enough, you can't afford to get detention."

"Dude, quit being such an Umbridge!"

"Quit using Harry Potter characters! Ahhh!"


"I'm walking away now!"

"Look the vanishing spell really does work!" I chuckled and watched as she walked out of the classroom with the teacher baffled. I shrugged and closed my eyes.

                       *         *         *

"Madyson! Wake up!" I swear if that's Anslee, she's gonna get it.

"What do you want now?!" I yelled. Then it hit me, the classroom was empty and Anslee was standing right there. "Crud!" I whispered.

"Yeah, well you now have 2 hours till rehearsals."


"You've missed 3 classes!"

"Oh no, well I could absolutely care less." We laughed and headed to choir. Choir was my favorite class, but a huge risk. If someone found out who I really was, my life would be ruined. I don't want paparazzi on my back 24/7.

"Good morning class!" Out teacher yelled.

"Morning Ms. Luck." We all greeted back in a zombie like voice.

"Good, now today we're practicing for this weeks concert."


"Uh Ms. Luck, when is the concert again?" I asked without a care in the world.

"Oh Ms. Madyson, always forgetting." Anslee and I looked at each other, rolled out eyes and chuckled. Like seriously, I have a lot of work to do, not that she knows that, but oh well. "But it's this Friday! You better be there." Of course it's Friday. I rolled my eyes and Anslee looked at me super worried. She mouthed an 'It'll be okay.' I nodded and the class continued without a care.

I noticed how the bad boy of the school, Jayden Winston kept looking at me. I look like Alastor Moody and Voldemort had a kid. Gross, but that's me. Our teacher got a call and then she dismissed us out of her class. She actually told us to scram, but I didn't care what she had to say, as long as I was out of the prison we call school.

"Oh my word, did you see the way Jayden Winston was looking at you?!" Anslee squealed.

"Uh, I know he was looking over at me, but why? I'm ugly so why would he even want to look at m-"

"Stop! You're drop dead gorgeous, he's clearly into you."

"As great as that would be, he can't like me. I don't want to hurt him with the whole being famous crap."

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