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"Dude seriously quit trying to hook up with my girlfriend!" Jayden yelled. Madyson chocked on her water that she just took a sip of.

Woah! What?!

"Oh you really do have a boyfriend." The last one said.

"N-" Madyson started to answering.

"Yes!" Jayden quickly answered. Madyson looked really shocked and a little scared. They left and everything went quiet.

Oh no.


Madyson's POV

We were at the mall trying to buy more clothes for the tour. So far, Eli has bought all that he needs. I asked him on the bus if he wanted to join us in the tour, and his face lit up like a little kid on Christmas day. We had already been to Old Navy, and American Eagle to buy clothes for him and he bought them alright! That's when Jayden and Nick had left to go who knows where.

"I want to go in Forever 21!" I whined.

"Would you like some cheese with that wine Madyson?! You've been complaining about different stores for the past 10 minutes." Eli exclaimed. I just chuckled and smiled.

"As much as I love cheese, no thanks, and I have money I'd like to spend."

"Okay well you and Anslee can go into Forever 21!"

"Thank you!" I said with relief. I pulled Anslee's arm and we walked into Forever 21. "Thank you for coming with me." I sighed. "Well really all of y'all coming with so we can go shopping."

"Of course! You're my best friend!"

"Aw same Lee!" Anslee had immediately walked over to the short shorts. I rolled my eyes. She's such a girl. As for me, I walked over to the dresses, shirts, and jeans.

"Hey applesauce, you need a few pair of shirts too."

"Okay." I smiled. Wait. What?! "Applesauce???"

"Yeah it's like your new nickname since I can't say your name in stores and in public soooo."

"Oh my word! You could just say Camellia."

"That'll attract fans."

"True." Now you're probably wondering, if I don't let people see my face a whole lot, than how do they know who I am? Well I post pictures of just me all the time on Instagram. So, they know what I look like, but my school still hasn't noticed because they don't know I exist. I'm practically a loser at school so it explains a lot. Also, to add on, my company has a no-picture-taking-policy and so all my fans know they can't take pictures of me unless I grant permission.


We walked out of Forever 21 after about 20 minutes or shopping and the guys were waiting for us. And by guys, I mean Derrick and Eli.

"Hey you girls wanna get some lunch?" Eli asked us.

"Yes! I'm starving!" Anslee declared.

"Well then let's go get some food sis!" Eli cried. I stayed silent the whole time and my mind drifted off as we walked to the food cart. I noticed how Jayden and Nick were still gone. We had been walking for 30 minutes and I hadn't said a word, due to wondering where Jay and Nick were.

"Where's Jayden and Nick?" I asked quietly.

"She talks!" Eli cried in a happy voice. The others died laughing and my lips slightly turned upward. "Oh and Jayden went to the food court already about 30-ish minutes ago. As for Nick, he went to American Eagle."

"Oh okay."

"Yeah." He sighed then stoped walking. "Are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"Yeah I'm just super tired. Plus IHop drained me for some reason."

"That's fair!"

"Yeah." As I finished my response we had finally arrived at the food court. We walked around till we found Jayden sitting at a table. But he wasn't alone, he was with another person.

A girl.

And she was very pretty. She giggled furiously then Jayden leaned in to kiss her with strong emotion.

And it was that moment when my heart broke into a million pieces.


i'm so sorry the chapter was short, i've had horrible writers block for the past week and i don't even like this chapter. i also i have a huge biology test wednesday and it's taken a lot of studying and preparation, and i have a project to do!
anyways thank you for reading and i'll TRY to update this friday, but i don't know yet. i really hope you're enjoying this story hahaha, i'm super scared it's not going to be interesting but i'm trying hahaha.
have an amazing day.

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