One last time

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After that days events I woke up clean and fully clothed, still sprawled on the same bench where we had done...that.

Everything was the same when I stepped out, nobody had noticed my absence during celebrations and the only reminder of what had happened on that locker room was the constant pain on my backside that lasted a whole week.

After the tournament, and my stupid experiment, I finished college with high grades and enrolled on a state university as far away from my parents house as possible. To get away from my family, I convinced myself, but there also was a small part of me that was ashamed and scared of what took place on that town.

I never spoke or thought about what happened on the gym of my old high school, and after a few weeks into vacations I had completely forgot about it.

Or so I told myself.

Summer was great and I even got myself a girlfriend, who was attending a university near mine as a sophomore that year, and we were like... super close, and eventually I let that old memory go and focused on my relationship with her.

We had gotten intimate many times. Seeing as she was older than me and more experienced she always took the lead, and I loved every second of it, even if that same nagging voice made me feel like maybe I was picturing a certain someone every time she was on top of me, so eventually I cleared those thoughts away and started being more dominant in bed.

I kissed her one last time on the day we were supposed to leave for our campuses, with the promise of meeting on a dinner near uni after we got settled in our rooms, and got off her car to go get my things from the trunk.

It had really been an excellent summer and I really loved this girl. We spent almost every second of the day together, and I even thought of marrying her someday, but all this escaped my mind as I stepped into my room.

There he was.

That guy.

The one who plagued my mind on lonely nights, even when I didn't want to.

The one I beat on the tournament of last year, the one I beat and won a gold medal for, the one who kissed me so passionately my lips stung for days after the tournament, the one who took my ass virginity and made me limp around school for seven whole days, and the one who took my virginity period.

Yes, that day I lost my virginity, to a guy nonetheless. That day when I had the biggest case of blue balls humanity has ever seen. That day I let a guy fuck me and I didn't care and I even enjoyed it, but I would never let myself believe or even think about in fear of...something. I wasn't sure what I was worried about but I was more than convinced that all this...infatuation was normal when you loose your virginity. Especially when the other party leaves without a single word and you never see them again to get closure.

God, maybe I was love with this total stranger.
I didn't even know his name, and I wasn't sure he remembered me, so I awkwardly set my things down in one of the beds and turned to face him. 

There he was indeed, a soft smile playing on his lips, or maybe a grin, I couldn't really decide as I had only briefly glanced at his face.

"Hey there" I muttered and felt a blush creep up on my neck. I can't blush right now. Heck. What's wrong with me "You my roomie?"

"Well" I saw him shuffle closer to me "aren't you the asshole who beat me at last years wrestling tournament?"

I chuckled, in nervousness really but I passed it off as amusement "Your moves weren't that good, really"

I dared to look him in the eye as I kept laughing softly and he followed suit, bumping my arm with his fist as he stepped closer.

"Yeah?" I stumbled back a little as he wrapped his fingers around my bicep and pushed me back in a playful manner "Why don't you show me yours?" 

I furrow my eyebrows and my smile falls as I stare at him now, when suddenly I realize he does remember me and is in fact flirting with me right this second.

I feel my chest tighten as my palms get sweatier and more clammy and without notice my mouth starts moving on its own

"Sure" Is all I manage to say before he roughly presses his lips against mine and the smile that was etched on my face disappears as my tongue darts out to meet his.

He grabs me by the waist and my arms get trapped on my sides but I don't care. One of his hands comes to my neck as he hungrily moves his head to fit against mine and pushes us even closer, the other wrapping around my shoulders and, gaining movement of my own arms I place my hands on his hips. 

Everything is happening so fast, and in a second I'm on my knees, in front of his crotch looking up, eyes still half open and breathing heavily.

"Have you done this before?" He cradles my face and smiles shyly.

My heart jumps at this and I sit up straighter, a finger looping on one of his belt hoops, bringing him impossibly closer.

With one hand he unbuttons his jeans and with the other he strokes the side of my face.

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