What a tease

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I get closer, closer, his cologne is strong but this close I can smell the faintest hint of perspiration and alcohol. My hands are next to his hips, and his legs are open, almost inviting me to slot inbetween, fuck fuck

Fuck fuck fuck, I want to kiss him but I just broke up a year long relationship and he has a boyfriend and aren't we supposed to be just friends? fuck

He doesn't do much, just stares at my lips and caresses the hair at my nape, tugging but not forward, just playing with it, almost a teasing hint to the smile that adorns his lips.

Mixed signals, god, just-

"We're friends" He stares into my eyes now, and his hand has stopped moving, keeping me close but not close enough "right?"

"Yes" It doesn't feel like a lie, but weren't we about to kiss just now? god just kiss me please-

"Do friends kiss?"

What sort of question is that? of course they don't, I mean you can playfully kiss and mean nothing but I think we are way past that aren't we?

Is he asking if this will mean nothing? does he want it to mean nothing? "It can mean nothing, just kissing in a drunken stupor, so yeah" I can handle it being nothing, in fact, I would prefer it, you know, just having broken up like, two hours ago.

"Me and Diego have kissed before, at parties. It's fun" He shrugs, and my jaw hangs open. Cris and Diego? what in the world? "Better than kissing a stranger who can drag me to a bathroom and murder me"

That makes me snort.

"You think someone would drag you to a bathroom to just kill you? That would be a waste"

He laughs at that, hard, even going so far as throwing his head back. I can feel the vibrations through our points of contact, but I can't ignore what he said before.

"You've kissed Diego?" It escapes my lips, despite myself, but he doesn't seem bothered by my shock at that piece of information.

"Yeah, when we go out and are drunk and dancing it's fun to kiss your best friend" He drops the hand that craddled my head, scratching his own now.

Still curious I ask "But like, with tounge?"

"Yeah, tounge and all. If you can't full on make out with your bestie and it not being awkward the next day then you aren't really besties"

"Wild" I sit back now, putting some space between us, a proper laugh bubbling in my stomach and moving past my lips "And Diego is okay with that?"

"I mean, he might be ace but he still likes kissing"

"I gotta try it some time" I suggest.

Please take the bait please take the bait please suggest we do and kiss me you bastard I'm tired of talking-

"You should"

You fucker I know you want to kiss me just why are you playing hard to get aaaaarggg

"So, should we?" I crawl a little closer, putting a hand on his leg, tastefully low but still close to-

"Is that something you ask someone? Doesn't it like just happen?"


"Just shut up and kiss me"

Frustrated yet? HAHA

Don't worry, I have the next chapter ready and will upload next friday, so don't get your panties in a twist, I just love cliff hangers and because I waited just a week to upload, this one had to be short, but the next will be back to regular length.

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