A step in the right direction

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"Are you guys fucking kidding me!" Diego pulls at his curls and grans dramatically "I'm going to kill you both"

"Oh yeah" The tan one of the three turns to look at me and is sporting the biggest blush ever on his dark skin "We never asked anything about each other, huh?"

"Well, everything just happened so quickly every time I saw you..." At this, Diego steps between us.

This really is utterly ridiculous, but it was kind of cute how we couldn't keep our hands off the other for even five seconds to ask eachothers names.

"Ok. Joshua, this is Cristopher" He motions to him and he stands straighter "He's super nice and honestly hilarious" We laugh and he shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Joshua" He gives me a crooked smile and I return it.

"Cris, this is Josh. An utter asshole" They both snort

"Hey!" I punch his arm but they whisper something between them and I can hear a faint "He's super nice" coming from the shorter one.

"I am super nice, thank you very much" Diego rolls his eyes and mutters "you just proved the opposite you idiot" but I ignore him. We shake hand and smile to the other, something new growing inside of me.

Excited butterflies started fluttering around my gut.

That is until a knock makes us all jump.
"Baby!" The voice says and I panic "Wanna go out?"

All three of us look around the room but there's nothing I can do. There's nowhere to run and I honestly don't want to run away anymore. I either break up with her to date Cristopher or I ditch whatever we are doing here to spend time with my girlfriend and continue normal everyday life as a 'straight' guy.

"What are you going to do?" They both notice my hesitance but I shake my head

"I'll be back" I grab a hoodie and step outside, Clara waiting for me leaning on the wall.

As soon as she sees me, she starts playing with a strand of her hair and opens her mouth a few times

"We need to talk"

I feel myself grow pale "let's talk outside..."

We reach the fields outside my building and I grow more and nervous with each step.

Is she going to break up with me? Why? What did I do wrong? Why am I even freaking out when I'm the one who's been unfaithful behind her back?

I try to clear my head as I see her turn around to face me

"We aren't working out" She begins and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

Despite the thing I had with Cris, I still loved her in a way, so hearing that she was unhappy made me sick to the stomach

"We don't see each other as much as we used to and honestly I'm sick of being apart from you so long only to feel left out when we hang out"

She did have a point. Yet it still made me sad.
"I'm sorry" I mumble and a single tear falls from my eye.

I never thought I would be the one getting dumped. Am I that bad of a boyfriend?

"We can make this work if you want to. But I feel like you don't love me anymore"

"I do love you" I breathe out without thinking and she smiles

I look up at her and an easy feeling washes over me. I do love her, believe it or not. We've been together for so long now.

"Maybe we can go on a date this Sunday"
At that I hug her with all my strength and she giggles as she struggles to breathe.

"I take that as a yes"

She waves at me as she gets in her car and drives away, and the smile doesn't leave my face, that is until I turn back around and I see my building and I remember a certain someone waiting for me on my room.

What the hell did I just do!? That was the perfect opportunity to break up! What's wrong with me!? She handed break up to me on a silver platter but I refused just because I got insecure?? I'm in deep shit now...

I somberly walk back to my shared bedroom, and as I open the door I see two sulking faces seated near the window.

"We saw everything" Diego mumbles and I sulk aswell

"She wanted to go on a date on Sunday"
I only tell them half the truth. They don't need to know I'm the one who chickened out and didn't break up the relationship "I didn't have to heart so say no"

They share a look and the curly headed one mumbles "softie" to the other. I narrow my eyes at them and Cris stands up.

"The time will come" He pats my back but it tuns into something else as he glances down at my lips.

"I think that's my queue to go somewhere else" Diego grabs hold of his backpack and a sweater and as he's halfway through the room he throws an empty beer can at us "My bed is off limits."

He dissapears into the corridor and we continue to stare at each other.

"I think I may be little tipsy" The tanned hand that was now on my chest grabs a hold of my shirt and pushes me forward.

"Really? How much did you drink?" I grin as he plays with the collar of my t-shirt.
"Just enough"

And with that we are kissing again.

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