Just stop

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There he was, blinding smile, pearly teeth, and borrowed clothes, staring at me, topless and once again covered in a layer of sweat.
How is it possible that I'm already so sweaty, I just had a shower!
Damn you, body!
"Sorry" I try to ignore his face, instead choosing to look around the brightly lit room, where I spot Diego still sleeping. That lazy little cunt. I guess I was a little more of an early bird than him, since I had to get up pretty early for practice when I was a high-schooler, but it was almost ridiculous how long Diego could sleep.
"Are you done?" Cris leans on the door frame as he asks this question, and I get even more antsy, playing with the lint inside one of the pockets of my joggers. I guess today I was a little too inside my own head, since I still was standing by the door, even as I could see the other boy eager to enter the bathroom. He sighs over dramatically, obviously trying to suppress a smile "showering, I mean"
All I can do is blink in response as I finally return his gaze, and I take in how close we are standing. We aren't abnormally close, but it's still closer than two normal dudes should stand.
Get your shit together man!
"Of course I'm done!" I splutter and snort, uncomfortably, and all I get is an ever growing smirk back "can't you see me clothed and dry?" I try and sound sarcastic but my shaky voice kills the mood.
A pair of eyes glance down at my chest and the same knot in my throat from last night returns. I feel the heat of a blush creep up my neck but I quickly duck out of the way and escape to my side of the room, throwing on a random shirt and turning to look at Cristopher, who is still smirking.
"I sweat profusely" I shrug noncommittaly as my cheeks start to burn too "it's quite a problem"
"I can see that" He shoots me a last look, winking and laughing, before he disappears as the door closes behind him.
I stand, shocked for a few seconds, before I change into a more suitable pair of pants, and pick out a clean shirt, and before I can even start panicking again about today's events, I walk to the TV and pick out a game; To get my head out of the clouds, to stop from thinking too much about what to say or how to act, to pass the time, and to stop the fantasies that had begun to form in my mind ever since that raspy voice had shouted at me to hurry up. Now was not the time to be thinking about someone other than my girlfriend, especially when today was the day we took such a big step in our relationship.
It was only a few moments later that the same boy I was trying to get off my mind came out of the same room I was on earlier, only in a pair of shorts, and still dripping wet.
"I couldn't find another towel" My face must be doing something I'm not aware of, judging how the same smirk from before came back with a vengeance "can I use yours?"
It's only when Cris plops down next to me, still smiling, that I find the nerve to move, jumping a little farther away from him, and picking up the piece of fabric and tossing it in the direction of his face "Keep it, dude" I fake a grimace, but all I get back is an amused snort.
"Is that your way of flirting?" He wipes down his neck, chest and arms, before just placing it across his lap and folding it in half. All the while, I make my best effort to seem nonchalant, playing my game and acting as though I didn't hear his last comment. It's only when his knee bumps against mine that I address him once again.
"Are you staying over today too?" As our bodies meet at the one spot, the rest of my body is rigid, like I don't know how to act normal around Cris, but on the outside, I try to play it cool by moving along with the movements of my character, as if really entranced by the gameplay when really, I felt paralized.
"Believe it or not, me and Diego would spend weeks sleeping at eachothers house" As I die for the fifth time in the game (and on the inside) the slightly taller boy turns his whole body towards mine, and I can feel my breath hitch "We are bffs, you know?"
"Then" The controller slides around on my clammy hands, and the sweating starts over again. He hasn't got any closer, yet I feel myself growing hotter and hotter by the minute "how come you've never slept over before?"
At this I freeze completely in my spot, the 'game over' screen emphasizing the sudden change in the room, as the heat that was enveloping by whole body, rapidly gets replaced by a chill that runs across both our spines.
We both knew the reason why and, after the reconciliation, it was a silent agreement between the three that we would never talk about it. Or that's what I thought, as Cris opens his mouth and laughs nervously.
"After what we did on your first day of class, and finding out you were taken, getting in between you guy's relationship seemed like a bad idea" I gulp and wish for all of this to be over already "so, coming over was not an option"
After the whole mess with Clara, I still hadn't had any time to think about all that has happened but now, hearing Cris' side, I felt even worse than before about the whole ordeal.
"I'm not a 'home wrecker', so I thought it was best to stay away" The sad look on his eyes was all it took for me to feel sick to the stomach.
I hadn't just cheated on my partner, and I hadn't just broken two people's hearts, I had also prevented two best friends from seeing the other, all because I couldn't keep it in my pants...
Game completely forgotten, we stared at the other's eyes, searching for something, maybe anger, or resentment, but all I found was a gentle understanding, and a reassuring smile.
More than ever, I wanted to cry.
How could I fuck up so royally? How could I do this to such a sweet person?
And then a pair of arms were hugging me, tightly against a naked, broad, and strong chest.
I did my best to resist, I didn't deserve his pity, or his love, but it was undeniable that I needed his comfort, and that he was more than willing to give it to me, so after a few seconds of hesitation, I wrapped my own arms against his frame, and we stayed there...

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