• T I E •

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Aloha! Got this idea from BBCanimefangirl in one of their fanfiction prompts! Make sure to go check out all their neat story ideas! (Logicality)



Usually, Logic was a very tidy and pristine type of person, unlike Prince, who was almost always cluttered, or Anxiety, who had literal cob webs in his room.

His pants were always folded away in some sort of drawer, and clothes always on their proper display. They were even color cordinated.

But today was completely different.

Scattered around his room were all different types of clothing and shoes, none of which were the type of thing he was looking for.

He was looking for his, tie.

Sure, it was just a tie. But, it was Logic's tie. He wasn't him with out it, he was a teacher for crying out loud. All teachers should wear a tie.

He was starting to panic, tossing and throwing clothes around. He only had one after all.

Why would he only keep one tie around?

He shook his head, finding it useless to rethink his decisions now, he continued to search for the tie.

As he was frantically searching, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching his door, and before he could even be embarrassed about the mess surrounding him, the door opened.

Morality stood besides the door, grin on his face as always. He spoke up, "Logic, what do you want for break-"

He suddenly stopped midsentence, eyes finally realizing the room as he looked at the cluttered mess that was Logic's 'room'.

His mouth had almost gaped open, "Logic! My lord what happened in here!?" he exclaimed to the younger side.

Logic suddenly felt the tinge of red break out on his cheeks, was he getting sick? Why Was he so hot?

Logic cleared his throat, "I was, uh, looking for a particular tie I cannot seem to find at the moment......"

Morality smiled gently, looking like he actually had an answer to his problem. "Why didn't you just say so! I have plenty of ties!"

Logic looked at him confusingly, but also happily as he was finally going to get a tie. "Morality! I never thought that you would be a logical man yourself! Do show me your fine collection of ties and lead me to them this instance!"

Morality beamed, feeling proud of himself. He always liked making others happy. "I'll surprise you! Wait here, I have my favorite one out and everything!"

Logic waited as he jolted out of the room, he soon saw him return with his hands behind his back, and the biggest smile he'd ever seen on a man.

"Don't look yet Logic! I'll put it on for you and then you can look in the mirror."

Logic sighed but obliged to the older man's ways. Who knew he'd be so excited about ties?

He put the tie through the loops of the shirt's neck holes, which caused Logic to blemish again. Morality smiled and turned him around so he could look into the mirror.

Logic's eyes widened as he saw the horror in the mirror.

This wasn't necessarily what he had been expecting.

The tie was blue, and practicle, besides one thing...

Little golden retriever puppies were covered on it, each one had it's own unique face, and color. One even had a sweater on.

Morality beamed, "So? You like it?"

Logic sighed, "This isn't very..."

Logic was about to finish his sentence with the word 'professional', but he then saw how Morality's eyes went sad.

He couldn't believe he was actually going to wear this thing.

"This isn't very... good looking with my shirt. The blue doesn't compliment the red very well, but the tie is very...cute and I so happen to be very fond of it. Good work, Patton."

Patton had on the brightest smile, and in return of the compliment, he kissed Logan's cheek, which of course made him go wide eyed and red.

"I'm glad you like it! I'm going to go make us some blueberry pancakes!" he yelped out, running out to the kitchen.

Logan sighed, and looked down, and out of the corner of his eye...

Was his black average tie.

He rolled his eyes at himself, picked it up, put it away and tightened his puppy tie.

He actually was a little fond of it.


If you're reading this.... Well I hoped you liked it! Let me know if you want to see more :) Aloha means hello and goodbye ♥

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