• H I G H S C H O O L 2 •

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Virgil kept on walking, anxiety growing higher with every step he took towards the jock's house.

He knew how this was going to go, they'd either fuck up everything and get a zero on the assignment, or fight with each other and get a zero on the assignment.


He finally reached prince charming's house, ringing the doorbell impatiently.

The door opened hastily, and all Virgil saw was a handsome football player with messy hair and a tired look on his face.

He thinks he looks handsome. Fuck.

"Virgil? I thought you were coming tomorrow?"

He didn't know why he suddenly turned red at his words, but he knew Roman could tell considering the smirk on his face.

"Y-You, you said today." he mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

The fanciful classmate of his smiled at how flustered he was and opened the door fully so he could come inside. "Well, let's get started then."

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The two had gotten most of the project done, and to Virgil's surprise they didn't have any altercations. Well, maybe a few, but they were minor.

In fact, the two had decided to finish the project the next day and were just sitting and talking to each other, whether it be about school, or just life in general. They were also waiting for a pizza to arrive at any time.

  Virgil looked at the other, biting his lip almost impatiently. "Hey, Princey?"

He sighed loudly at the nickname, "I told you to stop calling me that! I thought we were finally getting along." Roman said with a slight frown, which caused Virgil to laugh.

They looked at each other for a few moments, until Virgil realized what he wanted to say. "Why are you so mean to me during school, and so nice when we're alone?"

Roman suddenly fell sad and gave the other a sympathetic look, was he really going to explain this to him?

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that dearest emo. It's just that, I have to stick with a certain image, you know?"

Suddenly hurt went through Virgil's body, he knew that, but was he really that... unwanted? "Am I... not good enough?"

The room fell silent, which caused Virgil to stand and start to leave, but Roman wasn't going to let that happen. "Wait, stop don't leave-"

Virgil turned around and kissed Roman passionately, tongue brushing over his lip as Roman stood there shocked, but soon kissed back just as roughly, causing the other to melt in his arms.

They broke apart after what had seemed like hours, and were panting heavily.

Roman smiled and brushed his cheek with his thumb, "Do you forgive me?"

Virgil chuckled and gave him another peck on the lips, and laughed when 'Princey' tried to kiss him again.

"Of course."


There will be another one with dad and logic y'all

Sander Sides One Shots (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now