• F O R E S T •

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Anxiety and Roman get lost in the woods.



The night was cold and damp, owls were hooting and there wasn't a single star in sight. Trees were wobbly, and the wind was blowing gently. The moon was full, and he and Prince were all alone.

He couldn't believe it.

Sure, Anxiety could tolerate the older trait, and deal with him from time to time. But that was only when others were around, someone like Patton, or even Logan would keep the mood balanced.

Now there was no one except for them.

He couldn't begin to understand how they had gotten into this mess. They originally did come with the other traits, along with Thomas and Joan. They all decided it would be a good idea to get out of the mindscape and go camping. Even Logan had agreed, and he wasn't necessarily one for risks and adventure.

Of course, Anxiety was the only one out of all of them who disagreed with the decision, and everyone pinpointed him as the bad guy.

Except Patton. Never Patton.

But, the others were all certain he was in the wrong.

But now, what he said was going to happen, happened. Thomas suggested they go look for wood for a fire, and now they were lost.

He couldn't believe he had been such a fool, to trust someone as foolish as Prince to guide him out of there.

"Prince, please it's getting cold out here! Try to remember your steps."

The charmful personality bit his lip in anger, he knew it was his fault for getting into the mess they were in, but why couldn't Anxiety be calmer about it all?

Right, Anxiety, it's in the name.

Roman sighed deeply, trying to calm his nerves. "Anxiety, it's really hard to concentrate when all you do is frustrate me! Why can't you just have a good time for once!?"

Anxiety looked down and fiddled with his fingers, which immediately made the Prince feel guilty.

He huffed once again, reaching for the buttons of his jacket and taking it off, turning around and pulling the younger towards him. He placed the piece of clothing onto his shoulders, pulling it up.

You could see the blush on Anxiety's cheeks and the questioning look in his eyes, which caused Roman to roll his.

"You...said you were cold. I wasn't going to let you freeze due to my decisions."

Anxiety looked down again and decided to stay quiet and to just follow Princey. Roman didn't like to admit it, but the other looked...quite adorable. Just the way that it hung so loosely on him, which was strange, and reminded him to try to get Anxiety to eat more.

"You know I don't really think your stupid, right?"

Princey turned abruptly at the sudden voice, which of course came from the one and only emo nightmare.

Roman stood there curiously, and almost confusingly. He was being nice? Could Anxiety even do that?

The darker trait opened his mouth again, "I care about you, just as much as the others. Even more so."

Every word got quieter as he spoke, but Prince was still able to make it all out.

A blush rose to his cheeks, but he forced it away and cleared his throat. "Well your... Words mean a lot."

Before he could even tell what was happening, the Prince grabbed him by his shirt, Anxiety seemed shorter as they stood of the crooked hill. They were looking into each other's eyes, and Roman could see the shyness in his.

"Anxiety... May I... "

Before he could finish the sentence, he crashed his lips into the younger's, his tongue meeting his. Anxiety melted under him, blushing madly at the touch.

Roman brushed the other's cheeks and finally let go, which caused Anxiety to whimper which caused Princey to chuckle.

"Come on, cutie. Let's find the other's."

Anxiety smiled, a smile that seemed to be happy.



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