• H I G H S C H O O L •

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Basically, this is a highschool AU that was requested. Roman is a jock, Logan a nerd, Patton the shy, cheerleader kind of kid, and Anxiety is the weirdo. Also, a reminder that I do have a couple of requests to go through, and I'm doing them in order! Be patient and kind. Love you all!

"Mr. Sanders? Doesn't infinitesimal mean really big?"

It was later in the day, and the classroom had a calming mood to it. They didn't have much work to do, and really all they were doing was reading.

"I-I I think it actually means really small, Logan. B-But good effort!" the rest of the class laughed at Patton's stuttering, which made him grow quiet.

Of course there was Logan, the smartest of them all, and no-one could argue with that. Even Virgil, who somehow ended up in there with out even signing up. There was also Patton, the shy, lovable kid that people had to get used to before actually becoming friends with him. Lastly, there was Roman, a complete and utter stuck-up.

"I believe Patton is correct." Mr. Sander's responded, writing down the meaning on the board.

"Did Patton just correct me? Are you kidding me?" Logan groaned, putting his head on the desk before him.

Suddenly, from the back of the class, 'Prince charming', as Virgil called him, puffed. "At least the emo nightmare didn't correct you."

Virgil grew angry and tightened his fists, knowing the nickname was meant for him. "I swear to f-"

He stopped as Patton put his hand on his shoulder, giving him a warm smile as well. "Calm down. Don't listen to them, they're morons."

Virgil grinned thankfully, he always knew how to calm him down. The two had been friends for a long time now, and Patton usually helped Virgil with anger or anxiety attacks. "Thanks Patton."

Mr. Sander's slammed his ruler down, causing everyone to jolt. "That's enough class! Settle down, we have a project coming up, and I have set you in pairs. Missy, will you pass out the assigned partners to the class?"

Missy stood up, taking the papers from Mr. Sanders and passing them out.

Missy went to Roman first, placing the sheet neatly on his desk.

"Oh, come on! You did this on purpose!"

Heads turned to the back of the class, only to see Roman throwing a fit over something. "Emo nightmare?!"

Logan stood up, clearing his throat. "Yes, I believe there is a mistake here as well. Patton, sir?"

Both Patton and Virgil looked at each other, Patton was clearly upset over the scene Logan was making, tears were beginning to form in his eyes.

Virgil stood up, slamming his hands on his desk. "You should be begging for Patton to be your partner! He is the sweetest person I know!" he turned, then facing Roman, "As for you, I'm sick of you making me feel like fuck up! You're going to be my partner, and you're going to like it!"

Roman gulped, while Logan sat down quietly. Did they really treat them that badly?

Mr. Sander's cleared his throat, deciding to ignore what had just happened. "Alright, calm down everybody. No need to make a scene."

The bell suddenly rang, and it was like everything that had just happened disappeared as the students hurried out of the class.

What had Virgil just done?


Part two soon.

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