• L E T T E R •

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*REQUESTED* Warning for character death.

To Patton,
I am not really sure why I am still here, hoping, waiting.

As I am sure you are lost and gone, surely never returning back.

At some point, I suppose I had to realise that some people leave your life yet stay in your heart.

It was weird, when I found out my feelings for you.

As I was finding out my feelings for you, I denied them completely as I am a logical person.

But now, I will never be able to forgive myself for not confessing sooner, as it would've given me more time with your ever so pleasant face.

I love you and miss you, and know one day we'll be able to love once again, forever.

From your patient boyfriend, Logan

This was so sad to write help.

Sander Sides One Shots (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now