• C O F F E E •

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*REQUESTED* Basically Virgil is sad about a guy and goes to a coffee shop, and Roman comforts him.


It was getting dark out, and Roman was  working insanely late. He sat there, wiping the counters boredly.

He hated working there, and nothing good came out of it besides a paycheck.

There was only one person in the store, but his boss just insisted they stayed open til twelve. Who goes to a coffee shop at 12 in the morning?

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, a teary eyed boy walked through the door. He was wearing dark black eyeshadow, and a black jacket with some jeans. He was very attractive, and it broke Roman's heart to see him upset.

All he did was sit down, crying, the one stranger gave him an off look, and then walked outside of the shop. This made Roman furious for some reason.

He debated on going over to talk to him, before finally deciding doing so was the best possible answer.

Roman cleared his throat and walked over to the other. Suddenly, he became insanely nervous, which definitely wasn't like him.

"Um, I couldn't help but notice you were crying, are you alright?"

The person shifted to look at Roman and sniffled again, you could see the sadness in his eyes. "N-nothing, my boyfriend, Logan broke up with me."

Roman frowned, he felt overly filled with sadness and anger, who would even think to break his heart? He seemed so sweet.

The employee sat down, despite it being against the rules.

He held the other's hand, soon questioning the decision when he noticed the other flinch, but then relaxed.

"Don't be so down! You look like a very handsome gentleman, and I'm sure anyone would be lucky to have you as their partner!"

This caused the other to laugh, which surprised Roman. "Why do you talk like... A prince?"

Roman ended up chuckling, he'd been called a lot of things, but never a prince. The nickname sounded happy, and made him feel secure.

"Well, my name is Roman. But, if you wish you may call me Prince."

The other smiled and blushed, nodding his head. "I like Princey better."


I think this was cute. Also, instead of a gif you get my cat.

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