Chapter 1

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London's Point Of View-
I laughed as I stood at the outskirts of the woods with my friends: CQ, Winston, and Jackie. "Guys come on. It's just a woods. Basically a wide range of trees." Winston says. I wasn't on board but I wasn't exactly off it either.

"But it's Dead Man's woods." Whispers Jackie. Winston cracks a grin at that. "I know, tale is that one of the founders of the town went in there and was found completely insane saying he saw things, heard things, touched things." Winston smirked with a wink and CQ smacked him in the back of the head.

I roll my eyes at Winston. He's kind of a jack*ss, but  strangely, I trust him. "Guys we shouldn't be joking about it." I remind them, annoyed. Winston lets out a dramatic sigh. "London stop trying to freak us out with your paranormal belief." he says. I let out a huff. "Winston I wasn't the one who brought up the legend, and the story has to come from somewhere!" I exclaim.

Jackie looks between us, as CQ glared at Winston, annoyed. "Are we going in or not? Because if we are... I call not walking by Winston." she smirks. Winston huffs and wraps his arm around her waist. "I thought you loved me babe." He fake cries and then kisses her lips softly. Oh yeah. CQ and Winston are dating, don't know why CQ chose him.

"I-I'll go in and we stick together, okay?" I say and everyone looks at me. CQ and Winston shrug and we all look at Jackie. She rubs her arm and makes a debating face. "Yeah ok, only if we don't split up inside." she bargains. We all nod and look at the entrance again. "Let's go." CQ says and we all go in, staying close together.

Soon as we stepped in, we ALL shuddered. It felt like the wind was suffocating me and I could only imagine how the others felt. "It feels wrong already." I whisper quietly to them. I don't want to be cliché about it. But it was freezing, it just felt ice cold. Winston kept his arm around CQ's waist and Jackie leaned into my side. Not that I minded, I was just as freaked out. "Still don't believe in the paranormal?" I huff out at Winston. He scoffs. "It's just a forest." He mumbles but it was obvious he was tense.

CQ starts walking, and Winston stays by her since his arm was around her waist. Jackie and I glance at each other and follow quickly after them. "Unbelievable. We both agreed if we stuck together and there they go to make out." I whisper kind of joking, kind of not. Jackie nods and we follow. I wish I had chosen my hoodie instead of my flannel, I'm just glad I hadn't worn shorts like CQ and Jackie. Jackie was wearing a skirt with tights and a long sleeve. CQ was wearing shorts and a tank top with Winston's jacket over it. Winston was wearing jeans and a green flannel. I on the other hand was wearing leggings, a dark blue flannel, and my favourite converse.

Jackie and I stopped hearing a whistling from behind us. We looked at each other panicked and turned to look behind us. The low whistling got closer and we looked at each other before going to follow Winston and CQ, but they were gone. "Jackie where do we go?!" I stumble out in fear. Jackie plays with her sleeves and shrugs but holds onto my arm tightly. "The whistling is coming from where we were which means we have to go deeper in..." She whispers. The whistle came closer and it sounded like a growl. Instead of sticking around to see what it was I started to run, removing her grip from my arm and grabbing her hand instead to pull her with me.

"You're going to fast London!" she shouts through the wind from me running against it. "I don't want to be murdered by a ghost!" I say to and see a small shack. Ignoring the warnings going off in my head, I drag Jackie there and close the door as soon as we were in. It didn't work as well as I wanted it to, but it was enough. "Did you bring your phone?" I ask her, and she shakes her head.

"Don't you bring your phone everywhere?" Jackie asks me and I facepalm. I'm so stupid. I take my phone out of my pocket and look. "One bar of internet." I breath out and bite my lip. "Who do I call?" I ask. Jackie sighs. "THe police?" She asks. I sigh. "I would say yes, but they'll just get mad at us and something could happen to them and it would be our faults." I whisper. We were trapped in a forest with a legend that I think (But also know) is true.

Jackie sighs in defeat and a bang comes from the door. Jackie and I let out soft yelps and tense and I grab a small crowbar that strangely was there. This better not turn out like one of those stupid cliché movies. The bang came again and I growled. Swinging the door open, I glare harshly at Winston and move it to CQ who looked guilty and sheepish. "Where the f*ck did you guys go?!" I exclaim and Jackie comes up behind me, her face pale as she was scared but angry at the couple.

CQ rubbed the back of her neck. "Well uh..." She trails off with a blush and Winston chuckles. "You guys are just ugh! You promised we would stick together." I growl softly at them and Jackie nods, agreeing with me. "Look Jackie- London, we're sorry. We just wanted to have some fun and look around to see if we found a dead body." He laughs. I roll my eyes and Jackie glares actually shoving him. "Jackie???" I exclaim, she's never done that before, she was the one, the one who most most non-violent. "What was that?" Asks CQ and Jackie looks at Winston. "I-I don't know-I'm sorry." she stumbles over her words.

All four of us look at each other worriedly. This wasn't supposed to happen. "Did you guys hear the whistle?" I ask as Jackie looks at her feet, upset by how she acted. Winston and CQ both nod. "Yeah we thought it was one of you guys so we followed it here." CQ says. Jackie and my eyes widen. "You followed it here?" I whisper. They both nod and the whistling starts again. I pull them inside and close the door again. "Something is screwed up with this forest." I whisper. The whistling was heard from everywhere as if it was in the room with us. But it wasn't as the door actually started to shake. It was shaking and it sounded like it was breaking off its hinges.

We all backed up staying close together and holding our breaths, not letting our gaze leave the door. Soon it broke off, dropping to the ground with a thud. We stared out the door wide eyed, but nothing was there.

A/N Wow so many words. I'm so proud of myself!!! Anyway that was a whole lot for the first chapter. But did it get you hooked? Did it? Tell meeeee down in the comments below. London *Sigh* Such a nice name and I want to move there when I'm older-Sorry going off track. Thanks DaDemonKiller for helping me get the chapter back after accidentally deleting it. Anyway please vote, share, and comment. All is appreciated! Later fellow failures.

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