Chapter 5

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London's Point Of View-

           I sat up quickly at looked around. CQ was breathing heavily. I'm guessing she was the one who screamed. Winston was looking wide eyed at the entrance of the burrow. Jackie wasn't here. "W-Winston what happened?!" I stumble out tiredly. Winston parted his lips to say what happened. CQ curled into him, her eyes wide and her body shaking slightly.

           "Jackie-she tried to stab CQ...With a rock." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. A rock and she tried to murder one of her best friends...Not Jackie, not Jackie at all. "And she just ran?" I ask with confusion. CQ nods fearfully. "We have to go find her!" I exclaim.

          "What??? She actually just tried to kill me!" CQ exclaims. "I'm not going to find her! Are you insane?!" CQ shouts and my eyes widen. Winston's eyes widen too. "CQ-" He starts and she sits up away from him. "NO! Stop, I actually was almost murdered! Just leave me the f*ck alone!" She exclaims and goes out the burrow.

          Winston puts his face in his hands and groaned. "W it wasn't your fault, everything is just starting to fall apart. We need to calm CQ and go find Jackie, even if she screwed up she's still our friend." I say calmly and he nods. "Right, um ladies first?" He offers and I smile slightly going out, to see CQ casually laying on her stomach, her face hidden by her arms. "CQ..?" I say slowly.

          CQ doesn't respond. Winston comes up beside me and gulps, looking at CQ upset. "It's happening." He whispers more to himself but I hear it anyway. "It's happening...? You mean like what's happening to Jackie?" I ask and he nods slightly, almost unnoticeable. "Babe...You alright?" He says slowly moving closer, and resting a hand on her shoulder.

        CQ tenses for a moment before spinning around and shoving herself into his arms and hugging him tightly. "Something is wrong with me." She whispers quietly into his chest. Winston sighs and wraps his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. "We can get through this, all four of us." He whispers and she nods and pulls away. "Let's go find Jackie." She whispers weakly and Winston and I nod.

         I look at the ground seeing slight indents in the grassy dirt. "Footprints" I say to them and they got the message to follow. I suddenly realized something. "Guys what time is it?" I ask and Winston pulls out his phone. "8:37 AM" He says slowly. We all frown and looks up. "The moon is still here, it's still pitch black and night time." I say slowly.

         "It's either we're all going mentally insane or the sky stopped working." Jackie says from behind us. "Well...I'm already mentally insane.." She says trailing off with a humourless laugh and we spin around. Her pony tail was messy and falling out and she looks absolutely exhausted. "I-I'm sorry for what I did CQ. I don't know what happened." Jackie stutters out sadly.

        CQ sucks in a breath and looks Jackie in the eye. "It's alright, just-I don't want to die or go insane in a forest." She says quietly and I look over to Jackie to see her nod. "Ok so we found Jackie, something is up with the sky and we literally have no idea what is actually going on." I say. Winston nods. "What should we do?" He asks and we all think for a moment.

         "We should just walk, we'll see where we end up." CQ suggests. It wasn't a bad idea to be honest. "I like it anyone oppose?" I ask, Winston and Jackie both shake their heads. "Wonderful which way should we go?" Jackie asks. Winston starts to walk and I hum as I follow, along with everyone else. We hear a low whistle and we all freeze. "This would be the part the monster would kill someone in a movie right?" I whisper and they all nod. "Let's hope it isn't like a movie." Winston whispers.

        The whistle stays a whistle but get's louder, almost to frequencies only dogs should hear. I but my hands over to ears like everyone else and I shut my eyes with a growl. "Sh*t it's so f*cking loud!" Winston says over the whistle. "Stop cursing!" CQ says loudly as well as we wince and I was the first to drop to my knees. CQ and Winston dropped as well and then Jackie. The whistling stopped immediately. I move away and catch sight of them. "Oh my gosh..." I trail off. We all look at each other wide eyed and I put my fingers to my ear. Moving it away it was stained with red. Blood.  "W-what was that?" I breathe out. We all had it, the trails of blood from our ears.

     "We need to get out, now." I say. We all nod, getting up quickly with a quick breath. "Wait wait." I shush the noise. "Do you hear that?" I ask them. Winston's eyes widened. "It's water." He breaths out. At the moment I think we all realized how hungry and thirsty we were. We follow the sound, stumbling slightly but we don't let that stop us. There was a stream, about as wide as the four of us together. We couldn't see the ends of it. It looked fresh. "Guys if there's water, there's plants which means editable plants and-" I start. Winston cuts me off. "Meat." He breaths out and follow it upstream after sipping it in our hands.

A/N Hey everyone! I honestly don't know exactly who is reading this besides a few friends, but I want to thank you so so so much!  Anyway I love you guys so so so much and I apologize it took longer to write, I was busy. ANyway Texting Styles is coming to an end, and the third book will come out, then my first kidnapping story will hopefully be updated in the next few days.

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