Chapter 2

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London's Point Of View-

"There's nothing there." Winston whispers. I roll my eyes, actually done with his 'smartness'. I turn towards Winston. "Good job captain obvious." I state and roll my eyes. CQ hits the back of his head again. "We're seriously in an abandoned, broken down shed and that's the thing you point out?" She mutters and rolls her eyes. Winston mumbles an apology under his breath, obviously not meaning it. But that was far from everyone's mind. "Something is wrong with this whole thing." Jackie mumbles and we all nod.

"We should get out of here, it's dangerous to stay in enclosed spaces when we may be getting hunted." I say and move away from the group. Jackie reaches out and grabs my arm, obviously either concerned for my safety or because I probably know more about the paranormal than everyone else. "You can't go!" CQ says in panic and I take a breath. "I'm not going, but we should get out of here. You've seen the horror movies." I remind them of what happens in those movies. "Wait wait wait. Have you never seen a horror movie London?" Winston asks and I let out a huff and look down. Winston lets out a snicker and I look at him, annoyed. "No, I haven't surprisingly the trailers freak me out, so I never see the movies." I mutter.

Winston smirks. "So why are you the one telling us what to do?" He asks snarkily. I let out a huff and move so they can see the broken doorway. "I'm sorry Winston would you like to lead us into death? You may have seen the movies but you don't know sh*t." I say. CQ laughs at my response, probably glad to have shut him up for now. "Ok then...So we should get out?" Jackie asks, and I nod moving out first and looking around. I take a few steps outside the door and look back, motioning for them to follow. They scurry after me and we all stay close together. "Maybe it's just a human?" Winston asks. CQ, Jackie, and I shrug. "Could be...Could all just be a cruel joke to scare us, but what if it's not?" I ask and they all agree.

"Ok, now let's list what we know about-Well it." I say. We all ponder for a few moments. "It's strong, especially if it could break the hinges of the door too." Winston points out. "It whistles, but when it gets closer, it's more of a growl." CQ reminds. "It's loud, when we were in the shed it seemed it was heard-EVERYWHERE." Jackie exclaims. "It seems to know our every step." I say and mentally make notes of it. "What should we call it?" Winston asks and we hum in thought. "Why don't we leave it as well 'it'?" Jackie asks and I shake my head. "Too Stephen King." I say thinking about the book 'It'. "What about....Silencer?" CQ suggests. I think about it-It does sound accurate. "I mean think about...We only ever hear it when it's quiet or absolutely silent" SHe says and I add that to the mental list of things.

"Silencer---I like it, anyone have any objections?" I ask, and they all shake their head. It may seem stupid that we're standing here thinking of names, when in reality we would never do this. BUt I'm pretty sure all of us are looking for a distraction. "Ok anyone remember which way is the entrance where we came in?" I ask. "Well you're so smart for everything else what don't you use your brain to find out." Winston mutters and I jab at his with my elbow. "Cut it out" CQ hisses at him and he rolls his eyes. "Shortie should cut it out too." He mumbles and I turn to glare at him. "Shortie can hear you and I'm more hidden because of that giant." I huff at him.

Winston finally shuts his trap when CQ threatens him, about what? I don't even know. "I think it was this way." Jackie says and points...North? She seemed pretty confident. "Alright that way it is." I say and we all start walking. "We should split up, then we don't all die at the same time." Winston jokes with a cringey smirk. A low growl was heard and it was human and right beside me....I quickly turn with wide eyes.

Jackie was growling and glaring at Winston. "Could you for once stop being an idiot?! Seriously I'm so done with it! We should leave you for the Silencer." She hisses at him, her body physically shaking slightly. Like an electric toothbrush. We all stare at her slightly curious, but scared. She blinks and slouches as if exhausted. "Jackie...?" CQ trails off, worried. Jackie looks at all of us, just as scared. As if she didn't know what she was doing. "Winston I-I'm sorry. I don't know what happened..." She trails off confused.

Winston blinked but nodded. "It's alright, I should probably learn not to joke at the wrong time....This time especially..." He says slowly. Something was wrong with Jackie, as if her usual: Happy-go-lucky mood was fading and being replaced by something dark and dangerous. But that's silly. It's just stress, it's ok to be stressed. Especially now-In a forest alone with something that could possibly be dangerous to all of us. CQ leaned on Winston, her arms wrapped around his. Winston looked around, his chest puffing out slightly like he was a hero. I roll my eyes. I felt normal, CQ and Winston acted normal. But Jackie...She had a small vibe of aggression that was growing more and more. It couldn't have been the Silencer...Right?

"Guys I see a light!" Winston says. CQ rolls her eyes. "Winston we aren't dying, hopefully not for a long time." She says and he shakes his head. "No! A light!" He says and points in the opposite direction. We all look where he's pointing and my lips part in surprise. "A light" Jackie repeats. "Do we go?" I ask and bite my lip. The others ponder. "It wasn't there before..." I trail off. Jackie says nothing and starts to run towards it. We all try to reach but she was just an inch away. The three of us look at each other before running after her, towards the unknown, possibly dangerous light. "Walking towards a light-Not cliché at all" I mutter.

A/N How is it so far? I-Just like London haven't actually seen any horror movie. I know, disappointing. I mean does 'The Village' count? A physiological horror movie, didn't enjoy it much. Anyway what do you think the light it? Jackie seems off doesn't she? What about the others? That's all for now. Next chapter coming out------Tomorrow! Vote, comment, and share. Love you all. Later fellow failures.

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