Chapter 7

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London's Point Of View-

      I let out a small shout as I am slammed into the ground. Jackie looks at me with crazed eyes as she grins. Suddenly it was like a sharp pain in the side of my stomach. "Stupid rock." I breath out. Jackie laughs and she was pulled off by CQ. Jackie let out an animalistic growl as Winston came over and looked at my side. "H-how bad is it?" I breath out with a wince.

Winston's eyes met mine and I knew it was bad. I lean back on the ground with a groan of pain. "It will need stitches." He says. "Great well there's no stitches in the forest." I huff and groan, wanting to sleep. Jackie seemed to snap out of whatever she was in and looked down. Her eyes widened. "Oh sh*t. London-I am so sorry- I don't-" she starts but I cut her off.

"I need stitches and I want to sleep but I can't. Please don't say anything to make me feel even worse ok?" I whisper tiredly. Winston glances at CQ, who slowly lets go of Jackie. "Ok I'll need a pine needle and some spider web, it's going to have to work." He says. My body tenses. "No I don't want spider goo sewn into my body." I state and groan.

Winston rolls his eyes and nods. "Alright um get me something else that could work." He says to Jackie, who goes off quickly to get what's needed. CQ hovers over me. "Anything I could get you?" She asks softly. The pain was getting to me, and I dizzily looked up at her. "A real hospital and a real doctor?" I say slowly.

CQ and Winston both let out a small smile at that. "CQ could you go get water from the stream please? We need to wash this out or it's going to get way worse." He says and glances at me as CQ runs off with-a bucket I think. "How are you feeling?" He asks me, I think that's what he asked me Everything is so...echoish. "Sleep please." I mumble and go to close my eyes. "No no, yeah you ain't allowed sleep at the moment." He says as Jackie comes back with stuff, I can't tell what.

CQ also comes back with the water and Winston sighs before gently running water over it. I let out a small huff at the feeling and glare tiredly at him. I feel something fluffy against the wound and then a small sharp pain like a bunch of little mosquito bites. "Almost done." He sighs as he finished and moved back. "Can I sleep now?" I yawn softly and he shakes his head. "Not yet, you're not allowed." Winston mumbles and I huff.

"Whatever I die, I die! We gotta deal now can I please f*cking sleep?" I mumble. Winston looked at me. "London we're stuck in a forest with a monster and each one of us is probably slowly starting to go insane ok? We all came in here together, we're going to leave together." He huffs out angrily. I stay silent and look up at the sky. I was so dizzy. THe stars from the sky were falling onto me as I glance over and my gaze catches sight. "Guys? The Silencer." I whimper out.

Winston looked up and saw it. "Holy sh*t guys, don't take your eyes off it. I need to carry London." He says but the words were slurred like he was drunk. Or was I drunk? Everything and nothing made sense. I felt myself Be picked up and winced. "Sorry London, but we gotta move you somewhere safe." CQ says even though it was Winston who was carrying me. "Just leave me." I breath out and they all freeze, CQ and Jackie keeping their gazes on the Silencer while Winston looked down at me.

"Like we said before London. We all came in here together we're all making it out." Jackie whispers. I couldn't really hear her. "Come on, Winston, Jackie, CQ it's ok. Just leave me. I'll go down a person who sacrificed her life." I smile slightly but it was more of a grimace. Winston shook his head. "No." He says as they CQ and Jackie look over. "Wait guys don't!" Winston exclaims as they quickly turn around to see Jackie standing right in front of it.

The Silencer's blank blurred face stared at her. Jackie let out a whimper, I think. They all backed up, until they could no longer see the Silencer. I groaned softly. "Sleep please?" I breath out and Winston thinks. "Alright, but if you see a veil of white light don't go into it, ok?" He asks me and I nod. Before closing my eyes and passing out.

I wanted sleep, my mind was active though. Dreams of random things, happy things would go through my mind before dripping into something along the lines of a nightmare. I woke up with a small gasp and panted in fear.

We were in a small shelter. Made of twigs and mud maybe? It had a few exits and surprisingly big. I sat up with a wince that woke up all of them. They all groggily looked at me and their eyes widened. "You're ok!" Jackie exclaims relieved that she hadn't killed anyone...yet I suspect. "Yeah..." I trail off. Suddenly the whistling starts. I could barely move and I sighed. We all looked at each other wide eyed. "He's trying to make it impossible for us." CQ whispers.

I look between them as the whistling got intenser. Like the building up to the horror scene in a movie, only this was the scene and it was real. "Leave me behind, I'll only slow you down." I say strongly, but there was a sadness in my voice.
"Are you crazy? We aren't leaving you!" Jackie cries.

I glare and shake my head.
"Go get the f*ck out of here, I won't do much anyway. I'm injured." I say as they help me out of the shelter. "No, go without me ok?" I say as I accidentally broke the 'stitches' but I didn't tell them. Jackie and CQ hugged me saying 'no.' And then I looked at Winston. My close friend. "Go without me ok?" I ask. Suddenly the whistling stops and we all turn to see it there. The Silencer. "Go I'll hold it off, run." I say.

"But London-" CQ started and I silenced her. "No go." I say as my vision goes slightly dizzy from the pain where my fake stitches were. I felt the warmth of my friends leave as the girls let out a cry and Winston remained silent, he bottled up his feelings. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I couldn't focus or register anything. I kept my gaze on the Silencer as long as I could before I fell to the ground with a cry of pain and blacked out.

I groan my eyes opening slowly. I push myself up and wipe the grass off my before realizing something. My side...It didn't hurt. I lift my shirt a bit and look down horrified. Instead of seeing horribly Done stitches and a nasty cut...








A/N I AM SO SORRY!!!! I HAVENT UPLOADED IN A LONG TIME AND I APOLOGIZE!!! I just started at a new school...It's interesting, um I feel so bad.
I'm also upset that my book isn't in the ranks anymore, but it was my fault 😔. Anyway I got to go try and update other books. Love you all. Later fellow failures.

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