Chapter 19

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London's Point Of View-

I yawn and stretch. First night after the IT movie and I survived, I was so proud. I got ready with a hum and got a candy bar before leaving to meet the others. Today we had to go to the police, talk about what happened. I'm not very keen on that talk, but it has to be done. As I walk towards Starbucks, where I'm meeting my friends I glance over at the tall trees from the forest and hurry my pace. Even being a few buildings away from them, terrified me.

I sit in the booth after I got my mint chocolate chip Frappuccino and slouch Down. I wasn't a Morning person. Winston chuckles as he sips his boring black coffee. "Hey sunshine have a good sleep?" He teases as CQ grins and leans into his side and Jackie was just sitting there, like me. I flip him off, he deserved the bird. He just laughs and sips his coffee as I take small tastes of my drink. I hum at the perfect flavour.

"We have to go to the station in 20 minutes for questioning." Jackie sighs softly. F*ck, I so did not want to do this. I groan softly and rest my forehead on the table. "Can we just not talk to someone?" I ask, hopeful. Jackie shakes her head as Winston shrugs and CQ looks at him annoyed that he moved. We all just sit in silence...for 15 minutes. What a productive morning.

       "Time to go." Winston says and practically everyone was out of their seats, hoping to get out of the awkward situation. As we walk to the station I gather up all my courage. Being in there just makes me feel like I did something bad, maybe I did. I don't think I did, now I'm over thinking this is great- "Hello kids." The sheriff smiles. I glare at the ground, we're not just dumb kids. I drag my feet loudly as we follow him, I do until CQ nudges me softly. When I look up there are for seats, welcoming us. Luring us to our stupid questioning.

     We all sit down, I sit on the end so I don't have to be stuck in the middle. Plus easy escape. "Alright, when did you guys go missing?" He asks and I roll my eyes. A streak of curse words running through my mind. "Apparently a few weeks ago." Winston says. The sheriff makes a 'hmm' sound. "And you say Apparently? Why?" He asks. CQ answers this time. "Because for us, the sky colour never changed and even then, it felt no more than a few days." She says. I don't let my gaze leave the lower desk. "Where you together the whole time?" Sheriff Clark asks.

       "No sir, we We're split up, multiple times. Our own faults and sometimes not. There was a monster!" Jackie sad, she was always the one who spoke the most out of us. "A monster?" Clark asks. I didn't bother thinking Sheriff because no one can hear my thoughts. "Yeah, it was tall had no face, whole body blurry." CQ explains. Clark clicks his tongue. "London, you've been quiet." He comments and I finally look up. "-care to say why?" He continues. I scoff softly. "Sure, we literally we're stuck in a forest or woods or whatever it was with something that couldn't have been human. All of us we're loosing our sanity and we were getting hurt. F*ck even died. Do you really think I want to talk about that sh*t? No." I say calmly as I look back down.

       It was silent for what felt like a long time. "Ok..." Clark trailed off before continuing to ask the others questions. My answer must've been a warning for him to leave me alone and I'm glad. Once we were done they all looked at me with wide grins as we walked out. "That was great!" Winston laughed. "If you saw his face after you finished. He looked like he was about to sh*t himself!" Winston snickered and CQ giggled. "He kept looking over at you, like you were about to murder him." Jackie says and everyone goes quiet. It would've been a funny joke if we weren't almost and practically murdered in the forest.

       Winston clears his throat. "What should we do?" He asks and CQ answers immediately. "Carnival?" She offers, oh yeah, a carnival. Yay. I don't disagree, but I also don't answer. Jackie cheers and nods. So off we went to the carnival, I wasn't really excited to see clowns. On our way there we all slowed as our gazes all stared in the same direction. The direction of the forest. "Guys...I know this is probably the worst idea in the world, but we can't be afraid of a forest forever..." I trail off. Winston finishes why I wanted to say. "And the only way to get over our fear, is to face it-By going in..." he says and I nod softly. Jackie starts laughing. "You guys are f*cking insane if you think I'm going back in there." She states.

             After a few minutes we were all at the forest entrance as we step inside. My whole body tensed. I could feel the darkness. I could tell everyone else did too. We heard a chuckle. "Back already? You guys must really want to never be found, to be dead in the darkness...forever." A low dark voice says, the voice of the Silencer. "You thought I was gone, but I'm not now am I? I feed on your fear, It's good..." it whispers.

A/N I'm Dying because...only 1 more chapter left until this book is over! Cry with me 😢 😢 😢. There will be an epilogue though! I'm still thinking if I should make a second book. I feel like it might lose touch and I'll lose interest. I'll have the answer by the epilogue. Anyway the Silencer is back, and the second last chapter too! Let's see what happens in chapter 20! Anyway, love you all. Later fellow failures.

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