Chapter 4

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London's Point Of View-

I was exhausted and confused. Winston was never this arrogant and it was weird. He was usually a bit of a smart *ss but it was just weird, even CQ noticed. Jackie on the other hand was paranoid...about everything. Every time someone let out a noise a cough/sneeze/yawn she would tense. I can't tell if it's from anger or not but she was just...Different. I slowly feel my eyes close and I stumble into Jackie. She turns to look at me, her usual happy dark brown eyes almost black and soulless. I rub my eyes and she showed worry, her eyes back to normal. "Sorry Jackie I'm just tired, we need sleep." I yawn softly.

CQ nods as well, she was using Winston as a support for her to lean against. "Winston can you carry me?" She says quietly and he sighs softly. "I'm sorry babe that isn't the logical way. It will only make me more tired and we would be down another person...We need a place to rest." He muses and we all let out a hum of agreement. Suddenly a low whistle comes. CQ and I let out a groan of annoyance and Winston lets out a huff. Jackie strangely stayed silent. "Not now." I say stressed. It starts to turn into a growl and we start to see where it's coming from. "Let's go!" Winston says panicked, but quietly. Winston runs first and we follow.

We stop a ways away, a small burrow weirdly big enough to keep all four of us...But there was only three of us. "Jackie?!" Winston says and looks around in worry like CQ and I. "Over there!" CQ points and I see a strange blurred figure frozen but had an...arm? Towards her. I rush towards her quickly, ignoring the protests to stop and pull her towards me. I start running back, pulling Jackie with me. We both stumble lots because she refuses to look away from it. "Jackie what are you doing?!" I say to her through the wind. She gulps as if afraid to tell me.

"If you stare at it, it can't move!" she says hushed, and I almost couldn't hear her. Finally she moves her gaze away from it, to me as we stood in front of our friends. I look back to where it was, only to see it was no longer there. "If you stare at it...It can't move?" I repeat her words and she nods slowly. "How do you know that?" Winston says carefully and cautiously moving forward in front of CQ. Wow, thanks for the help man. I roll my eyes slightly.

"I lied...About what I saw when I was in the light..." She says quietly and we all take a step back. "Is that why you were being so paranoid?" CQ asks , and Jackie takes a breath in with a nod. "I was in this room, no windows or doors...In front of me was the Silencer, it didn't say anything I only saw it's eyes. Dark and emotionless." She says with a small wince. My eyes widen slightly, that was the same way to describe what her eyes looked like for that moment. "I went to turn away and leave and when I turned back it was right in front of me...It was draining me or something" She says.

"But that doesn't make sense...Why did you see it and why didn't we? It could be linked to your personality change that's going on..." Winston says slowly. Jackie sighs and looks down. "I don't mean to lash out, it's like I can't control what I'm doing. Then when I can I always feel drained and annoyed after...And after a jump scare. Like when your heart is racing and you can't calm down." Jackie finishes. "Probably why you seem to jump at every single thing..." CQ muses and we all nod.

"I think it's messing with you-I mean CQ, Winston and I seem pretty ok despite what's going on. Guys...I think it's playing us one by one." I realize. Winston lets out a hum and nods. "Think about it Jackie's going opposite of her calm non-violent personality. We don't know what it will do to us. Could kill us off, or possess us." Winston says and CQ sighs. "We don't think it's human, but we know it can't move when we're looking at it." She says. "But it's impossible to stare at something forever, especially if we want to get out." I say.

"Do you guys think...Do you think it's dangerous for me to be around you guys?" Jackie whispers sadly and looks down. CQ, Winston and I give each other looks knowing its 100% possible that she could permanently harm us. "You just need to control yourself...No matter what." Winston says and Jackie loses her cool. "You think I don't want to control myself?! I can't it wont work!" She yells at him and CQ puts a hand over Jackie's mouth. Jackie yanks her face away and nudges CQ away.

Suddenly she blinks quickly and shies away. "CQ I didn't mean to, I swear." She says quickly and scared. CQ takes a breath but nods, though there was an annoyance in her gaze. "It's ok, we all know it's not your fault." She says quietly. Jackie lets out a breath. "So Winston found a small burrow thing enough for all us." I say and we look at the burrow thing. It was strange that it was even here, but I think everyone was too tired to actually care. "Anyone first?" I ask.

Winston shrugs and slides in turning on his phone flashlight. "Looks safe." He calls up and CQ slides in next. Looking around I go in after. It looked a bit unstable but it would have to do. Winston and CQ were already sitting against the wall their hands touching as they breathed evenly, trying to remain calm. I sit across my CQ and take a breath. "It's not even twelve AM" I breath out. Winston checks his phone. "It's 11:59" He says. I nod slightly.

After a few seconds, I check my phone. "Day one, completed." CQ says with a nod. Jackie then came down with wide eyes, I only saw because of the moonlight sinking into the burrow slightly. "I think I saw the Silencer, yards away, but still..." She breaths out shakily. "Are you alright?" I say softly. "I think so for now..." She says quietly and I close my eyes. CQ and Winston shift closer, at least they're together still. Or else all h*ll will be on us.

The sounds of the night lure me to sleep and my head tilts to the side as I stay asleep. IT was calm until I was startled awake by a shift, a scream, and a person retreating.

A/N Woooooaahhhhhh! Deep, She told the truth and they started to figure out a few pieces of the Silencer's weaknesses. Interesting...Any who-Who do you think screamed and who do you think ran? I guess you'll find out in the up coming chapter, hopefully out tomorrow. But maybe not. I'm going to start a new book. A Kidnapping series-Correction: One Direction Kidnapping series. The first book is 'Ready To Run [H.S.][Book 1]. Later fellow failures!!!

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