Spell book

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"Are you okay?" A voice called from behind me.

I turned around to see a boy with raven locks of hair and forest green eyes holding a sword.

"Are you okay." He asked me again.

Who was he? Is he from the Kingdom? Have I met him before?

"Are you okay?" He asked me again.

"Who are you?" I asked trying to sound brave.

"I'm a forest Hunter. Are you okay?" He said.

"No, your name."

"Daniel. Are you okay?" He answered.

"Fine. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I saw you about to get eaten by wolves. Come with me." He said as he started walking through the forest.

"Sorry, but I cannot." I said standing my ground.

"You have to. You're lost and need shelter. Who are you?" He said turning around.

"I'm Prince Joseph." I said feeling brave.

"Prince, Prince Joesph, the cursed prince. What are you doing out here?" He asked me.

"Running away." I lied.

"Why, you belong in a castle, where you are safe." He told me.

"Until I'm 18! Something is going to take over me! I can't stay at the castle, it's pointless. They've searched everywhere to find this other bracelet or a way to break it. So I decided to leave." I said showing him the bracelet.

"Then you have to come with me." He said walking closer to me.

"No, you're coming with me. You have to help me find the other bracelet." I said.

"I know we've just met, but you have to come with me to my village, until morning." He said grabbing my wrist.

"No!" I told him, yanking my wrist from his hand. "You're ether coming with me, or leaving me alone!"

"It's dangerous to leave someone like you alone. It's better if you come with me."

"No, I must keep going. Come with me." I said staring into his forest eyes.

"Fine, but later we need to go to my village to get food." He said.

"Finally. Follow me." I said stepping over a branch.

"No, follow me. You've never been outside your castle." He said as he started walking.

"Okay..." I said as I walked it catch up to him. "Okay, Daniel, tell me more about your self."

"Me, well, I don't know who my real parents are, my adoptive parents were killed and then I met you."

"Woah, okay..." I said shocked.

"I'm not very important." He said looking at the ground.


"Shh." He whispered. "Someone's here."

I walked a little to the place where I heard the noise.

"Meghan? What are you doing?" I asked when I saw here.

"Following you. I saw you leave the castle! Wait, Joe, who's that?" She said pointing to Daniel.

"That's Daniel, he saved me from wolves. And since then, he's been protecting me." I answered.

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