The Bet

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I don't want any of liza's crap. Or tricks. I want to get Daniel And get out. And, looks like I'll be like this forever. Or, when I die.

I walk to the shack at 8 and get there 2 minutes late. So what. Gotta make an entrance.

I walk in there and look at Liza.

"I'm here." I say.

"Finally, I thought you chickened out." She replied.

"Never. Now, give me Daniel back. And we can go our separate ways." I say.

She laughs. "I like when people want something from me."

"Just give him to me."

"I wanna make a deal. If I win this challenge, you can have Daniel."

"What's the challenge?" I ask.

She then sits down and pits her arm up. Meaning we are having an arm wrestle. I didn't think it was fair because I'm a boy and she's a girl. But I honestly don't care. I just wanna get Daniel back, leave, and then never have to see Liza again.

I then sit down in a chair on the opposite side of Liza and put my arm out.

"On 3." I say.

She giggles. "1."


"3." We then both say.

For a girl, she has a strong grip. But I won't let her stop me. Her arm starts going down and my eyes shine a little green.

"If I win, I get your crown." She says and my eyes go back to normal and she forces my arm down.

She laughs. "Bring it to me before midnight tomorrow. Or you'll never see Daniel again."

I sit there, defeated. I can give her the crown.

I walk back to our hide out and lay on my bed.

"What happened?" Tyler asked.

I flip over. "I have to give her the crown of I want want Daniel back. I can't give her the crown!" I answer him.

"That's terrible. What are we gonna do?" Alex asks as he walks over.

I sit there, trying to think. I look over at Lauren as she uses a hot glue gun. And then a sword laying on the floor.

"I got It!" I yell getting everyone's attention. "Lauren can craft a fake crown!"

"But she will find out it's fake because of the gems!" Lauren says turning around.

"That's when we attack, with swords!" I say pointing to the one I saw on the floor. "You too will get them, Meghan, Lauren and I will make the crown. Find the swords before midnight. Now go!"


After a while, we finish the crown! Yeah, you can tell the gems are fake, but so what. Liza won't know. I hope so. Lauren, Meghan and I then fall asleep.

We wake up to a huge bang.

"Hello?" I say with a couple of strands of hair in my face.

"Sorry, I dropped the swords." Alex says to us.

"A couple more mintues." I say.

"No! It's 11:34 pm! Get up!" Tyler yelled at me.

"Oh! Let's goo!" I yell and they get up.

I walk to the bathroom and fix my hair. I still have the same circles under my eyes. Wonderful.

"Let's go!" I say walking out of the bathroom. Alex grabs the swords and we walk to Liza's shack. It's about 11:41 when reach there. There's a note on the door that says:

Meet at the docks.

Nice. I don't even know where that is.

"I know where there is!" Alex says. We then follow him and we get there at 11:53. Perfect. I see Daniel and for some reason, everything goes black. And it's only me and Daniel. Alone.


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