Dreams and Fears

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I look around, where am I? I then see people holding back Lauren, Alex, Tyler, Meghan and Daniel. What are they doing here. I try saying something, but nothing comes out. I than here someone say something and Lauren takes off running, but is then and caught and-

I wake up, gasping for air and see Meghan standing at the doorway.

"I was just a about to wake you up. Let's go." She says as she leaves the room.

I wipe my face and get up. I start walking, grab a bag and packing some stuff.

"How was your nap?"  Lauren asked.

"Fine." I answered. I didn't wanna tell them what happened in my dream.

"Is everyone ready?" Alex asked.

"Come to think of it, I feel sick." Lauren says. "I have a really bad headache."

"Take some medicine." Tyler replied. "We will go get some."

They walk to get some and we all look at Alex.

"What? Why are you all looking at me!" He asks.

"What's wrong with Lauren?" Meghan asks.

"How would I know?" He answers.

We then wait for them to come back and Lauren says she's feeling a little better. We pack everything in backpacks and get on the go karts. I spell them and we start riding.

I takes maybe half an hour to get there, but there's a barrier. Tyler explained to me that everyone on the inside can't get out, but you can get in from the outside. They brought this remote so you can open it from the inside to get out. It was pretty confusing. But, we did get in.

We hide the karts and walk to find a hide out. 

"Here's something." Daniel says lifting a fence into a stairway. We all go in and Lauren stop halfway up.

"Are you okay?" I ask walking back down to her.

"Yeah, I think so." She says heavy breathing.

"Do you need help?" I ask

"No." She replies and walks up the stairs.

As we all get up the stairs, we enter and huge open room. There was one little bed and Lauren immediately lays down on it.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask Lauren again.

"I'm alright." She replies.

"What's the plan?" Meghan asks.

"We find this witch. We ask her were the other person is, or ask her how to break it." I answer.

"Let's go." Daniel replies and we all leave.

We walk around for a bit, trying to avoid people we see. But, we did come across this one person.

"The witch? Yes. I know her." The stranger tells us.

"Could you show us where she is?" I ask.

"Take a left, then a right. Go in the first shack you see." They answer.

We leave and follow the directions. We get to the place and the door is locked, but the window isn't.

We all climb through the window and it's dark in there. Except for one lamp in the corner.

"Hello?" Meghan calls out.

"Meghan! Shut up!" I yell at her.

"Sorry!" She says with a giggle.

"Who are you?" We hear a female voice.

"Come out!" I call out.

"Answer me!" The voice calls out again. Hmm, this reminds me of when Daniel and I first met.

"I'm the cursed prince! These are my friends." I answer.

"I've been waiting." The voice laughs. "Well, I was told to wait. You're kinda late, you know."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"The witch..." the voice starts. "The witch is dead."

"Wonderful!" I say sarcastically.

The voice laughs again. "But, I'm the daughter."

"What's your name?" I ask. When the voice said the witch was dead, I thought I had no more hope. But when they said that she was the daughter, I had some hope again.

"My name? Everyone knows my name." She replies.

"We don't." Meghan blurted out. Shut up girl!

She laughs again. "My name is Koshy. Liza Koshy."

A/n: Hi guys! Breaking Free  hit 100 reads! This is big too me! So, this was originally supposed to come out on Saturday, which maybe it will, idk. But I think I'm going to try to post everyday of the week, except for Saturday's and Sundays. And most likely at 5pm. If you love in the Colorado area, that's 4pm, California area, that's 3pm. And so on. Thanks a bunch for 100 reads! Wait- I have a question for you all that I need to know asap. So this probably come out on Saturday. Whatever.

So, recently I've been reading tons of Fanfiction, and not just Janiel. My other top otp is Laurex. Should I start some books about them too? It would mean a lot if you left a comment telling me yes or no. Of course that book wouldn't be posted practically everyday like this one.

Buy anyway, thanks so so so freaken much for 100 reads! It's like getting a million subs on YouTube! (Note: I don't have a yt account where I post things.) See you either today (Saturday) or on Monday! 🦄🎉❤

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