Chapter 4 Leo

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    Weeks went by and I didn't speak to Willow at all, I was just busy and she seemed to be busy too. The only time I talked to her was when she texted me to tell me that her mom just got a bad virus and that she will be okay. I was happy that her mom was feeling better. My phone vibrates in my pock and I take it out, I was at a restaurant waiting for the guys to get here we were looking for a manger.

    Willow: Hi I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?

    Me: Sure, what time?

    Willow: I get off at 6pm

    Me: okay

    Willow: Okay bye

    Me: Bye

The boys walk in as I put my phone away, "Hey man we late?" Cody ask, I shake my head no as I take a sip of water. "I can't believe we came this far." Ashton says with a big smile on his face, Cody and Ashton are like my two best friends. We've been singing together for a year now but we knew each other when the days were dark. We don't like to talk about the past we know what we did and we regret it.  We went on tour a couple of months ago. It wasn't big we just went to bar to bar.

    We made good money from it we just got back to New York, we drove around in a van which still to this day stinks. I was glad to be back, I wasn't born in New York I came from California but I moved when I turned eighteen I've been in New York for about two years. A guy walks in with a gray suit on and walks towards us. "Hi, you guys must me the band?"

    Are band is called "Fallen Angels" we came up with it when we were drunk. "Yes, and you must be Todd?" I say as he sits down next to Ashton, "Yes that's me." I nodded, "I've heard some of your guys music and I like it a lot. I would love to be your manger I do work with other people. So, if you ever want to see what I'm about you can go ask one of the other bands." He slides over a piece of paper with all the other bands names on it.

    "Okay your in." I said as I put the paper inside my pants pocket, "We want to go big and make lots of money. Can you do that for us?" Cody says towards Todd, "Yes I can you won't regret this I promise you guys." We all three nodded we order our food and talk more about what's to come. I'm happy were getting somewhere in our career it's taken a lot of time but I have hope we will get to the top. And I never have hope for anything anymore.


    "Hey Leo, how you been?" Willow ask as I walk into her apartment, "I've been good. You?" She shuts the door and we walk towards the couch, "Good. How's work going?" We sit and she turns off the Tv. "Good what about you? How's your mom by the way?" She turns her full body towards me and smiles, "Work's been pretty busy which is good. And my mom is doing very well I guess she just got a virus out of know where. I'm glad she's better though."

    I smile at her I was glad she was better to, "I'm glad she's getting better."  She stands up quickly and trips over her own feet. She lands on the ground with a thud and her face turns beat red. "You okay?" I ask as I try to help her up, "Yes, sorry I forgot to ask what you wanted to drink and well my feet you know just got in the way."  I smile and she starts to laugh, "Well I won't tell anybody if you don't."

    She stops laughing but her smile was still there, "Nope not a word it would just totally ruin my career and you wouldn't want to be seen with a flopper." She smiles trying to hold back a laugh, "What in the world is a flopper?" I ask she beams at me, "It's a person who just you know falls everywhere like a flopping fish." I laugh and she laughs to, "Okay fish."

    "Fish? What is that my new nickname now?" I smile and head to the kitchen, "Yes now are you hungry?" She follows me to the kitchen, "Yes you going to cook for me?" I smile and start to pull out a bunch of ingredients, "Yes I'm making you some tacos." She claps her hands and sits down on the stool, "Yay tacos I haven't had those in weeks." I smile, "Well you're going to have to best tacos yet.'

    "You want to bet on it?" I grin while shaking my head, "Oh you're on." She laughs, "Well let me show you where everything is." She walks over and starts to pull out cutting boards and knives and pots and pans. "Thanks." I say as she was pulling out a tomato out of the fridge, "No, thank you." She says with a smile, I start to cook and she starts to talk about work and what she cooks.  "I want to go on one of those cooking shows." She says and I was pulling out some hamburger meat, "Why don't you then?"

She shrugs, "I'm just too busy you know." I nod I did know, "You should try it one day." I say as I get the tacos ready she doesn't say anything back for a while, "Yea maybe one day." She whispers I look over to where she sits and she was starting at a photo. It was her and a man in it they were both smiling and holding beer bottles. People were in the background I wonder who he was, I was going to ask but she started to talk some more.


    I looked down at the taco that was sitting in front of me, I looked back up at Leo who was shoving a taco in his mouth. I picked up the taco and juice started to spill out of the other end, I took a bit and it was one of the best tacos I ever ate. And I have eaten a lot of tacos in my life, he looks up and grins at me while he chews. "It sucks to say this but you won the bet. We're going to have to do a bet that I'm not going to lose at."

    He laughs, "Far enough what are you good at?" I think for a little about it, "I'm really good at baking." I smile and he smiles back at me, "Okay you're on let's do it when you're not busy." I smile as a plan starts to unfold in my mind, "I'm not busy right now. And we can go to the bakery I do own it." He smiles, "Okay let's go then." We get up and put all the dishes in the sink, and head out into the parking lot. We decided to take his motorcycle, I hope on the back and wrap my arms around his waist, then we were off.

    I unlock the bakery and we step inside it I turn on the lights and the bakery comes to life. "This place is cute, it fits you." I smile and head to where the aprons hang, "Thank you I like it to." I had him a red apron and I grab mine, "You know how to bake?" He smiles and cracks his knuckles, "Oh yes I'm betting twenty I'll be better at it then you."

    I scoff and he smiles, "Your so on." I say as I walk toward the fridge I pull out the ingredients and I split them in half, "Let's make this a competition since you think your better than me." He starts to grab the flour and pans, "You're on." I smile and we start to cook, "What are you going to make?" I ask as he pulls out some apples, "A classic apple pie." I laugh and he stares at me, "What you laughing at?"

    I smile even bigger, "Nothing." He smiles to and we start to cook, I was making blueberry muffins, they sold the fastest here.  A couple of hours later we sat down at one of the tables and he gave me his dessert and I gave him mine. We both take a bit at the same time, his was so good he was a super good cook, why was I just finding this out now. "This is super good." I say as I take another bit.

    "This muffin is better I've never had a blueberry muffin before but I think it's one of my favorites now." I smile thinking how could he have never had one before, "So does that make me the winner?" He puts his finger on his chin and thinks for a little bit. "Yes, I guess you win." I smile and get up to do a victory dance. "Hey now you still got to catch up to me."

    I smile and sit down, "Don't you worry I will eventually." He grins at me, "Okay If you say so." I shake my head and then we finish our food. I close my apartment door after I said goodbye to Leo and head to my room. I lay down in bed after taking a shower and putting pajamas on, before I close my eyes to let the dreams in I thought about Leo. And I smiled to myself, was I starting to get feelings for him? I shake my head and close my eyes. I was hoping I wasn't I didn't need a relationship right now, maybe not ever.

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