Chapter 6 Willow

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I got out of bed and head to the kitchen there was a knock on the door, I smile knowing it was Leo, "Hi." I say as I open the door he smiles, "Hi." I let him in and we both walk to the kitchen, "So I got big news to tell you." He says as he sits on a stool and I head to the fridge, "What?" I ask wondering what it was, "I have a huge gig that can make me go big." I turn around to face him, "Like go famous?" He nods his head and smiles even bigger, "Wow Leo that's amazing."

I walk over to him and give him a big hug he hugs me back, "Thanks Willow." He whispers in my ear I smile against him, "You deserve this." He hugs me tighter, "Willow, I'm really glad you're my friend." He says as we pull away from each other I missed the warmth of him. "I'm really happy you're my friend to. Now what do you want to eat?" He puts his finger to his chin and thinks for a little, I secretly love when he does that. I shake my head trying to get the thought out of my head, "Eggs and bacon."

I smile, "Such a classic, scrambled or gooey?" He laughs, "Scrambled and what's wrong with being a classic?' I open the fridge again and pull out the eggs and bacon, "Nothing, just was stating a fact." He laughs again and I smile to myself again I really liked his laugh too. "Well if were stating facts then I have to tell you the truth only for your sake of course." His smile grows and all my attention was on him, "Your just really bad at pool." He says with a sympathetic face but I knew very well he was not at all sympathetic.

"That is so not far, I haven't played pool in months." I say and he smiles I smile back, "But hey I did win you on baking." He laughed again, "But I won the other times, but hey I was just telling you so you won't bet all your money on something you're not good at." I laugh, "Well thanks for telling me." I turn back around and start to cook, "No problem that's what friends are for." He says as I was putting the bacon on the pan.

Part of my brain didn't like being called friend by him but the other part was fine with it. What was going on with me, "Thanks." I say again trying to clear my thoughts again, it goes into a comfortable silence and I enjoy it. "Who's that guy in the photo?" He asks my heart speeds up and my breathing becomes shallow.

I knew what guy he was talking about, it was the only picture I had left of him on the wall that I hadn't broken yet it was Marcus. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says I didn't realize that I went silent for a long time, I turn off the stove and dump our food onto plates. "He was my fiancé, but he um...died." I whisper out the last part as my heart ache, "I'm so sorry Willow."

He comes around to where I stood and wraps his arms around me I felt the tears come down my face, "He killed himself.... but I just wish he loved me enough to stay." I sob out as his arms tighten around me, "I'm here it's going to be okay." He whispers inside my ear repeatedly, I started to relax and I didn't realize that we were sitting on the ground.

"I'm so sorry Leo I didn't mean to cry, and ruin breakfast." I croak out, my voice was still raw from the emotions. "Don't ever be sorry for crying over somebody you love ever. And you didn't ruin breakfast at all." I wrap my arms around him, "Thank you Leo for everything." I whisper we stand up and he takes my hand in his, "Thank you." I smile his hand felt nice in mine, he starts to wipe my tears of my face and I lean into his hand, "Let's eat?" He asks as he pulls away from me, I nod my head and we go to the counter and eat.


She headed out to work and I walked back into my apartment, my heart hurt for her. How could someone so sweet and innocent go through so much pain. I sigh and sit down on the couch trying to get my emotions in check. But I couldn't they were to out of control, I felt sad. I stand up and start to pace that helps a little. Why was I acting like this, and then it hit me. I was in love with Willow.

I start to shake my head no I couldn't be in love. Love wasn't my thing, but now I don't know anymore. I head to where my paints lay on the ground and pick them up, I start to paint trying to distract myself. Many hours later I heard my phone ring, "Hello." I say into the phone it was Cody, "Hey man don't forget to meet up with us to go over some songs."

I start to clean up as Cody keeps talking, "Okay let me go take a shower and I'll meet you at your house." I say into the phone, "Okay man see you then." I hang up and head into my room to grab clothes and then I head into the shower. I already had a new song written I just needed to write three more, I could do it I already made all the songs we sing now.

"Finally, were finished I need a beer now that was stressful." Ashton says as he stands up and stretches, "Stressful all you did was agree on what songs we were going to sing." I say Cody laughs, "Well it's very hard to do nothing." I smile and shake my head, we just got done writing some more songs it took us a couple of hours but we got it done.

"I'm going to head out." I say as I stand up, "What already?" Cody ask as he stands up with me, "Yea I think I am just going to go relax or something." He shakes his head, "You mean go hang out with that girl Willow." He says, "She's my friend not some girl." I growl Ashton walks in and looks between the both of us, "Wow, what did I miss?"

He asks as he plops down on the couch, "Leo here seems to have a crush on some girl." I glare at Cody and he grins, "Never thought are little man would have a crush." Cody says as he starts to laugh my blood starts to boil, "I'm leaving." I say as I go to pick up my jacket and helmet, "Sorry man I was just joking." Cody says as he follows me to the door. " I'll see you guys later." I say as I shut the door behind me.


I walk up the stairs to my apartment and Willow was standing outside of her apartment trying to unlock her door. "You need help?" I ask as I walk over to where she stood, "No I think I got it but thanks." She says as her door pops open, "I finished a painting for you." I said she turns around her eyes big, "You did?" I nod and she smiles, "Can I see it?" I nod again and we both head over to my apartment. I open the door and we both walk, "Come on I just finished it today." I tell her as she follows me down the hallway and into the guest room. "Thank you again."

I nod, "It's not really a big deal." I tell her I walk over to where a canvas was covered up by a sheet, "Okay so I kind of covered it up so it could be a bigger surprise." I tell her and she smiles, "Thank you I'm super excited." I pull the cover off and she gasp, it was a girl sitting underneath a tree with a heart flying away from her hands into the air. "I was thinking about all that you lost and how many times your heart has been hurt. And I just thought that sometimes you just want to let go of everything so you let your heart fly for a little so you could free your troubles."

I whisper she walks over to the panting and touches the girl in the painting, "Leo.... I have no words to explain what this means to me." She turns around her eyes glazed over, "I love it absolutely love it Leo it's amazing and the meaning behind it means so much to me to." She walks over to me and hugs me, I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me afraid that she would fly away from me to.

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