Chapter 15 Willow

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I waited all day for him to tell me about his past, but he hasn't at all. I'm not mad or upset that he hasn't told me but I'm just curious about what he's afraid to tell me. I was afraid to tell him mine because I didn't want pity. I sit on the couch waiting for him to get out of the shower, everybody else went to the bar already. "You're not going out with the rest?" He asks as he comes out of the bathroom, mint met my nose. "No, I wanted to be with you." He smiles and dries off his hair some more and walks over to where I sit. He plops down and gives me a lazy smile, "I'm guessing you want to talk?" I nod and sit up straighter so I wasn't slouching.

"Tell me about your past." I tell him and he looks away from me I didn't want to push him but I still wanted to know. "If I tell you, you won't look at me the same way." I grab his hand and pull it into my lap, "I would never look at you differently, whatever you did doesn't make you who you are now." I say as he looks back at me and sighs, "My mother died of cancer, my dad took it hard and he went to alcohol for help. I didn't judge him we were in pain and didn't know how to handle it correctly. I'm not proud of it but I went to drugs and my dad turned abusive."

"I got mixed into a gang so I could make money since my dad lost his job, everything was coming down and I couldn't fix it. Finally, I got out of the gang and stopped selling drugs and doing them. It was difficult but I did it so I could become free, I put my dad in a rehab and left. He's doing better now we talk once a week." A small tear comes down his face and I wipe it away, I wasn't mad I was sad that he went through so much and didn't know what to do.

So instead he turned to drugs, "You're not alone anymore." I say and he looks up at me his eyes sad, "I know I'm not." I smile at him, "So you don't look at me differently?" I shake my head no, "Never we've all had a past and some people accept it and some don't. But I accept yours Leo." He smiled softly and pulled me into a hug, "Thank you so much Willow you don't know what that means to me." I hug him back, "You accepted mine." He pulls away and looks down at me, "But you didn't choose any of it."

I give a soft shrug, "Let's eat." I tell him and stand up, "Sounds good I'm starving." I walk to the kitchen and cook us some chicken. "This is so good." He mumbles as he takes another bite, "I know I'm just that good." He laughs as I copied his words, "That's my saying." I shrug, "Now it's mine." He shakes his head and smiles; the band comes back on the bus and devours the rest of the chicken. "Let's watch a movie." Ashton says and sits down next to me, "Okay." I go and turn on the tv and we watch the hallmark channel since that was all we could find, "Here we go again with the sappy love stories."

Cody grumbles and Emily glares at him, "You use to love these." He looks at her and something crosses over his face and she didn't say anything else about it. "Night guys." I yell out as I climb up on the bunk, "Night Willow." All of them said Leo walks over to me, "Night Willow." He whispers and I smile up at him, "Night Leo." He walks back to the couch and sits down next to Ashton and they started to chat about something. Sleep came and my dreams danced around my mind for the night.


I was happy that Willow accepted my past, I walk over to where she slept. I watched her for a little then realized what I was doing. I didn't want to be like Edward Cullen, I still couldn't believe Emily made me read those twilight books. And watch those movies she wanted my input on who I liked more Jacob or Edward. I wasn't really wanting to but she was just going through a break up and I wanted to lighten her mood. She still asks me questions till this day about twilight.

She was glad I choose Edward over Jacob, she said Jacob was not Bella's true love. Of course, I had to sit through this conservation for hours, of her explaining to me why she chooses Edward. I lay in bed and sleep, I wake up to someone yelling. "I can't believe I'm stuck with you in this bus!" It was Cody's voice I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. "Oh well sorry for being here, you suck Cody I just wanted you back!" Now it was Emily's voice I stand up and Willow sat up in her bed and looked down at me with her eyes big.

"How long have they been going at it?" I ask she looks back over to where they stand in the kitchen still yelling at each other, Ashton was still sound asleep. "I don't know I just woke up." I nod and walk towards the yelling, "You're the one who broke up with me so don't give me that crap." Emily spots me and points to me, "I'm done talking to you." She turns around and leaves the bus Cody looks over at me, "Sorry you had to hear that."

Willow walks up beside me, "It's okay I'm going to go check on her." She rushes out the door where Emily went out of. "What happened?" He sits down on the couch, "We were talking and then it got out of hand and then it...just exploded." I nod and sit next to him and pat him on the back, "You know she still loves you." He rolls his eyes, "I and her are done. I can't deal with all her crap." I nodded I understood she was a lot to handle but she always meant well.

Willow walks back on the bus and Emily was behind her, Emily didn't make any eye contact she went straight to the bathroom and slammed the door. "Hey be quiet it!" Ashton yells out, "How mad is she?" Cody ask and looks at Willow, "She's not going to explode she's just heating up so be careful." I smile at Willow's description about Emily's madness. "Driver let's get going." Cody yells and goes and wakes up the driver in the other compartment. We haven't talked to the driver, I know Willow has she says he's nice.

"Will she be okay?" She asks and sits down next to me, "Yea like you said she's just upset right now." She nods and sighs, "That was dramatic." I shrug, "Not really but you haven't seen her when she explodes." She laughs, "Yea I don't want to see that." I smile at her and stand up, "I'm going to go cook." She nods and goes to knock on the bathroom door. "Man, what's going on?" Ashton says and walks over to me, "Just Cody and Emily fighting."

He nods his head, "They should learn how to be quieter." I glare at him, "You slept through it all." He smiles and grabs a cup of coffee, "Lucky me." I shake my head, "I can't believe you woke up when she slammed the door and not the yelling." He shrug's, "It's my super power." I laugh, "Like you have one." He rolls his eyes, "You don't have one but I do." He flexes his arms and kisses them, "These babies are my super power."

Willow walks up behind him and grabs his arm he yelps, "Wow what great muscles squeaker." I laugh he glares down at her playfully, "You scared me." She lets him go and laughs, "Your new nickname is squeaker. But I still haven't found one for Leo here." Ashton raises an eyebrow and looks over at me, "You haven't well now we will need to make one for him." She nods her head in agreement. "I agree one day it will come to me." I roll my eyes and go back to cooking, "I'll believe it when I see it."

She mumbles something underneath her breath and I smile at her and she smiles back, "How's Emily?" She sits down on the couch that surrounds the table, "She's good I think she'll be out in a little." I nod and Cody comes out and starts to talk about how he can't wait for today's gigs. We all agree with him we only had a couple of days left before the tour was completely over with. "Here's the food enjoy." They all go for it and I sit next to Willow, Emily finally came out of the bathroom and ate with us too.

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