Chapter 7 Willow

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I stare at the painting a little longer, Leo was in the kitchen making dinner. The painting was beautiful every time I saw it I couldn't look away. I hear a clatter and I take one more look at the painting before heading into the kitchen. Leo was on the ground picking up pieces of a broken plate, "Let me help." I say as I crouched down beside him, "Ow." He says and pulls his hand away.

    Blood dripped from his hand onto the floor, I get up and grab some paper towels. I crouch back down so I'm level with him, "Are you okay?" I ask as I put the paper towel over his small wound, "Yea it's just a cut. Thanks." I smile up at him and he smiles back at me, after getting him cleaned up I finish cleaning up the mess on the floor from the broken plate. As he dishes up our plates, "You know this feels normal eating together all the time like this."

    I smile, "Yea it does." We head to the table and eat and we talk about work and his amazing new songs. "You really are talented you know that right." I tell Leo as I take a bit of the grilled cheese sandwich. "You know with you keep telling me all these nice things I'm going to start getting cocky." He grins, "Well then I'll just have to put a stop to that now won't I." He smiles and shakes his head, "I guess you will."

    We sit on his couch and start to watch tv, "We need popcorn." I state and I get up to go hunt some down. "I agree it's on the top cupboard on the right." He shouts as I head towards the kitchen, "Thanks." I yell back I throw in the bag of popcorn into the microwave and watch it pop, "I like watching it pop to." Leo says as he comes to stand beside me, we stand there watching it pop, "Were defiantly putting butter on it." I say as I pull the hot bag out of the microwave, "And salt." He says and I smile up at him, "You know me to well." I say as we head back to the couch.

    "Well you are my best friend." He says, "Your mine to." I say as we turn on Forest Gump, I always loved this movie. "I think this is my favorite movie." I tell him as I shove a mouthful of popcorn in my mouth, "Mine to." I look back up at him and try to give him a smile but I end up showing him my chewed-up food. Yuck, "Close your mouth Fish." I try not to laugh, "Fish? Are you still calling me that?" He looked at me and gave a soft smile, "Yes I am, now watch the movie."


    I wake up and I look around, this was not my bed or my apartment.  I get off the couch I was sleeping on and stretch, oh I was still at Leo's. I look around for him but he wasn't in the kitchen or bathroom or his room. I walk over to the guest bedroom and open the door and he stood there painting the first painting I saw.  "Did I fall asleep?" I ask as I realize that the sun wasn't even up yet he turns around and smiles.

    "Yea but that's okay." I walk over to where he stood and examined his painting, it was a boy in the water sinking. "What does this one mean?" I ask as he starts to make small fish at the bottom. "It's a guy who got lost in the people and he slowly starts to get push down. I did it in the water because it made more sense." I nod all his paintings had some type of meaning to them, you could look at them and you could feel the passion he put into them.

    "Want to try?" I look back at him, "You mean paint?" He nods like it's no big deal, when I say I'm bad at something that means I'm bad. And I'm really bad at painting or anything that has to do with art. "It's okay you won't mess it up. Trust me?" He hands me his hand and I put my hand in his and he hands me over a paintbrush, "Were going to make a shadow." He says right next to my ear, "Okay." I whisper as he fills up the paintbrush with black.

    He grabs my hand and pulls it up to where the canvas is and we start to paint hand in hand. "You're doing great." He says I smile, "That's because you're doing most of the work." I said and he looks down, "Do you want to do it alone?" I shake my head and he nodded and then we went back to painting, I knew that question was more than just about painting.

      Hours later we finish painting and it becomes light outside, "I got to get going work is calling my name." He smiles as he starts to clean off his brushes, "Okay have fun." We walk out into the living room and I start to grab my stuff, "Thanks again for letting me stay over." He shakes his head, "Don't worry about it." I smile and say goodbye and shut the door behind me, I go and take a shower and I deiced to put on overalls that were still shorts and a white tee. And then I was off into the city they called New York.


    Hours went by and I missed Willow today I was going to a gig a little farther than usual. I start to pack up my guitar when I heard a knock on my door. I walk over and open it Emily stood with her face covered in tears. "What happened?" I ask as I pull her into the apartment she sobs and puts her hand over her mouth trying to cover it up. "I... I tried to get back together with Cody but he said no."

    She says as tears went down her face I walk her over to the couch and sit her down, "He'll come around." I told her and she looked at me with so much sadness in her eyes it hurt my heart. "But what happens if he doesn't he already found other girls. I thought I was special to him but I guess I was wrong." I shake my head, "No you are special to him I think he is just scared to lose you again." I say she wipes her face and sighs, "I never meant for any of this to happen I just wanted us to be happy, we should have just stayed friends."

    I grab her hand and put it into mine I was going to take the role of the big brother now, "You don't ever say that you guys tried your hardest to make it work. And I know he's one of my best friends but he can be dumb sometimes. He'll come around when he realizes what he gave up." She nods and gives me a small smile, "Thank you." She hugs me and I hug her back, "How are you and Willow?" I move my head so she can't see my smile, "Were getting closer."

    I look back at her and she nods, "Be careful okay?" I nod, "Okay." I get back up and grab my stuff, "Well, I got to go are you going to be okay?" I ask as I head to the door, "Yes I'll be okay." I nod and head out the door. I run down the stairs and hop on my motorcycle and off I go. I love the feel of the wind in my face and how freeing it all is to ride on a motorcycle. Some people I know don't understand and when they try it they don't like it but I can't seem to figure out how they can't like something so freeing.

    "You ready?" I ask the guys as we head up onto the stage in front of the crowd. "I was born ready." Ashton yells and starts to laugh I smile and shake my head, I walk to where the mic stands and I start to sing. The crowd goes wild, I decide to sing the new song we just made for the wedding we were going to sing at.

    "I've wished upon the stars for you to come along, I dreamed of holding you. Your the only one that understands my ways. How I wish we could have forever, I wish I could explain how I love you but words can't be enough. So instead I'll show you, will you take my hand and I'll lead you to the end."

    Hours later I was walking up the stairs to my apartment, I look at Willow's door and I had an urge to go knock on it. But I was scared that she might be getting tired of me already and I don't want that to happen. So, I walk the other way, she'll come see me when she wants I thought.  I shut the door and take a shower, I missed her and that scared me. I never missed anybody ever, my thoughts kept shouting at me that it was "love".

    I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts away from her, but they wouldn't stop so finally I gave in and walked over to her door. I stood in front of it and I didn't knock right away, I was fighting with myself over if I should or not. Why was I even acting like this I could come and just knock and act like friends. That's all we will ever be is just friends.

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