Chapter 10 Leo

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I couldn't believe that she was going to come with me. Today was the day we were leaving she set up everything so she could come. She said that everyone was fine with it and happy that she was coming, I was still trying to wrap my brain around it. I was going to spend an entire month with her, I couldn't help but feel happy and excited.

"Are you sure you want to spend that long with me? What happens if you get tired of me?" I look over at Willow and smile and pick up her bags, "You won't bother me at all and besides I heard Emily is coming with." She gave me a shocked expression I was surprised to, Emily told me she needed a break and that this would be a great opportunity. I'm just hoping that nothing goes bad between her and Cody.

"I wasn't suspecting her to come but I'm happy that she is." Willow says as she starts to pick up her bags, "Same let's just hope there's no fighting." I tell her as I pick up some of her bags and mine to, she laughs, "Well it wouldn't be a tour without some fighting." I smile at her and she smiles back, Todd comes around the corner and smiles at us. "You guys are the first band to go on tour that I've worked with." He's been telling us this for days now and I was getting tired of it, "I know you keep saying." I say grumpily and Willow shoots me a glare.

I give her a sweet smile and she tries to hold back her laugh, "Well I'll let you guys get ready for the ride see you in thirty." He says as he walks over to were Cody and Emily stood, "You need to be nicer to him, he's just trying to help you guys out and he's excited." Willow tells me, "Fine but only for you I'll be nice." She gives me her sweet smile and walks onto the bus, I was a goner.

I walk over to where Cody and Emily stood, "You guys okay?" I ask as I start to put their luggage into the bus, "Yea just great." Emily says and stops off towards the bus, "What did you do?" I look at Cody he scoffs, "I didn't do anything this is going to suck with her here." I shake my head, "Just be nice to her and you guys will get along just fine." I tell him as I shut the door that holds all the luggage.

"Yea that's like asking me to stop eating." He says I smack him on the back, "Then why don't you make it into a game." He nods his head, "Fine." He walks onto the bus I was just about to shut the door until I heard Ashton yelling. I watch through the glass as he jogs over to the bus, "I can't believe you almost left me." He says as he starts to pant, "Why were you late?" I say as I shut the doors to the bus.

"You guys almost forgot the Hawaiian girl from the van." He says and shows me the Hawaiian girl figure that swings back and forth. It was with us on our first tour and will be with us on every tour we go on. "I can't believe you remember." Ashton smiles and puts her on the dashboard and then we get seated. "Let's go." Cody yells to the driver and I look at Willow and give her a smile and she gives me one to.

"You are such an idiot Cody." Emily says as Cody takes a drink of some hot sauce, "Oh but you love this idiot." He tells her as he drinks some more milk, "In your dreams." She tells him and turns her body away from him, "Then I guess I'm already living it." I look at Willow who was watching this happen and she had a small smile on her face.

"What are you thinking over there Fish?" I ask and her attention comes to me, "Nothing." I scoot closer to her, "I know you're thinking about something." I whisper so only I and her could hear, "Fine, they just look so cute together I can't seem to understand why there not together." She whispers and I smile and look back at them, "There in denial of what they want their figure it out sometime." She nods her head, "What's Ashton doing?"

I turn to see Ashton drawing, "He likes to draw." I tell her she smiles, "I'm going to go check it out." She tells me and gets up to walk over next to Ashton, he looks up at her and smiles and shows her what he is drawing. Her eyes get wide and she starts to tell him something, she looks over at me and waves her hand to motion me to come see.

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