Chapter 11 Willow

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I couldn't believe that it's been a week since we've been on tour, I would sometimes worry about the bakery but Shelly sounded like she had it all under control. I was glad that before I left I hired Ruby to do the cashier I know that that's helping Shelly out a lot. I watch Leo play his guitar his hair was on his face and sweat was dripping from his chest. I couldn't stop ogling I've seen men with stomach muscles before but not like his.

It was like they were carved out just to fit his body, I look away feeling like I intrude into his personal space. "How are you and Cody getting along?" I shout over the music to Emily, she shrugs I knew they were getting along but they did bicker a lot. "Fine, let's go over to those boys." She points out and I shake my head but before I knew it she grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to them.

They weren't bad looking but I wasn't in the mood to chat with them, "Hello pretty ladies." The tallest one said there were two other ones with them, "Thank you for the confident boost." Emily replied and smiled at him while she flipped her hair. For a moment, I thought I was in a movie because that's what all the pretty girls did they flipped their hair.

The second boy with blue eyes looked over at me and grinned, my stomach started to do uncomfortable flip flops. I was not at all use to talking to boys but Emily seemed like a pro at it, "Would you girls like something to drink?" Emily nodded her head and the tallest boy left, he was going to drug us and I was going to get kidnapped. This was what everybody warned people about not to accept drinks from strangers. But apparently Emily didn't get the memo.

"Emily, we should get back to the bus." I tell her as I try to grab her arm, she shrugged me off, "We don't need to for another hour." She hissed at me and I flinched I know we weren't good friends but she didn't need to act like that. I sigh, "Emily can I borrow you for a minute." She stops talking to the boys and glares at me I was defiantly not on her favorite list now. "Fine but make it fast."

I lead her over to a corner, "What was that about Willow?" She asks as anger seeps through her voice, "Are you sure you want to hang out with them, what happens if they drugged your drink?" I ask trying my hardest not to get annoyed with her attitude. "I've done this before just leave me alone. I know your trying to help but stop." She says and marches off towards the boys, I could feel the anger spread through me. I needed to calm down I went outside to get a breath or two.

"There you are I've been looking for you." Leo says as he comes around the corner, I look at him the light shining on his face making him look like an angle. "Sorry I just needed to catch some air." I tell him and give him a smile, concern crosses his face as he walks closer. "What happened?" He asks I was trying to decide if I should tell him the truth of why I was outside. But instead I didn't I didn't want to make him mad at Emily so I lied, "Nothing it just got really stuffy in there." I smile at him trying to play it off, "You sure?" I nod and he lets it go which I was glad for.

I hated lying to him so I tried my hardest not to, "You did great up there." I tell him and he smiles at me, "You're the best Willow." I smile, "Don't get to cocky now." He smiles and I walk closer to him, "Thank you again Leo for taking me on this little adventure, I don't think I tell you that enough." He takes a small step closer and we were so close now that I could feel his breath on my skin. "Don't ever thank me for taking you with me, I should thank you instead without you here It wouldn't be the same."

We were so close I could kiss him and I wanted to but the door open and Ashton comes tumbling out, we pull away fast from each other and we both head towards Ashton's direction. "You okay?" I ask as I step down to his level and try to pick him up, Leo went on the other side and we both managed to get him standing. "Yea just didn't realize there was a step there." He giggles like a girl as he slurs his words, I never heard a man giggle before but I wanted to laugh so hard right there but I held it in.

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