Chapter 6 Hello Nashi Goodbye FairyTail Part 2

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(At the Guild)
(Lucy's P. O. V)
We enter the guild and the whole room went silent then they yelled and celebrate my return. Then I heard yelling going on I turn my head and saw Nastu picking a fight... well trying to pick a fight with Rogue. I realize Nastu the stupid idiot he is didn't see Nashi behind him. I walk over and grab him by his ear he yelped in pain and I got in his face luckily no one was watching us.

(Nastu's P. O. V)
I was talking to Gray but then noticed that Lucy came in with someone from Sabertooth and it was Rogue. He sat down in a booth he seemed happy I guess but why. It was strange that Rogue just walked into the guild exactly when Lucy returned. I saw he had a child with him I didn't want to fight Gray because we always fight against each other. I wanted someone new for my power plus it's really hard to get the calmest person to fight. I also wanted to impress Lucy on how strong I've gotten over the years she's been gone. I started to tease him but nothing worked and soon enough I was being dragged off by my ear. Ouch I cried in pain

Nastu stay away from Rogue he is doing a job and you're bothering him! Yelled Lucy

I see that Rogue put the baby on his lap and started to play with it's ugly feet and stuff.

I can see he is babysitting someone's abomination a- I got slapped by Lucy I was about to say "Luce what's that all about but?"I got cut off by Lucy.

Don't you dare call me Luce again. Lucy said

(Lucy turn and walk to Rogue then walked to Master's office.)

(Rogue's P. O. V)
I was playing with Nashi then Lucy came back from talking with Nastu she told me that she was going to the masters office. She walked up stairs and into his office I was stuck with Nashi sitting in the booth. I thought while Lucy was gone I would be able to spoil Nashi WITH THE FINEST APPLE JUICE IN THE WORLD HAHAHA. I walk over to the bar and place Nashi in my lap because she is only 3 years old and can't sit in a chair plus I'm getting a vibe off of Nastu. So I would be able to protect her if he gets to close.

Hey Mira can you get some apple juice for this little one here?

Sure thing so Rogue who's her parents?Oh and what's the little ones name? Mira says with stars in her eyes.

Rogue shivers and sighed knowing that one way or another he'd crack. Okay don't tell anyone Mira promise but her mother is... Lucy.

Mira squeals in delight of the news and the fathers?She questioned

Rogue sighed once again you didn't promise Mira, Rogue pointed out.

Oh don't worry I won't tell anyone unless...

Rogue swear dropped Yeah I'll be sure to tell her that next time we talk.

How long are you staying? Mira asked

Two to three days Lucy wants to be back in time for the Festival back at Sabertooth. Rogue replied

I see Lucy walk out of the masters office and walk down to me and Nashi I can see she is exited and has a lot to tell me. So I think I'm going to be taking Lucy on a date just us I know exactly who I am going to leave Nashi in good hands with I thought. Hey Lucy I say to get her attention she walked over to us and Mira.

Luce I have an idea for us and you can tell me all about the meeting when we're alone. I said

Rogue were would we go with out Nashi disturbing other people and we h-

Luce calm down its okay we have one and only one person that knows everything. Mira promise to keep everything a secret unless


Okay. Me and Lucy say at the same time.

Mira can you watch Nashi tonight while me and Lucy go on a date tonight? I asked

Sure thing ROLU MUST GO CANNON!!Mira nearly screamed

Wait Rogue did you just ask me out on a date? Lucy asked

Yes I did Lucy will you Lucy go out on a date with me? I ask but at this point everyone was watching us.

Yes I will. Lucy replied

(Third person point of view)
Mira screamed out with joy and nearly fainted everyone started celebrating again. Everyone but Nastu was happy Nastu wondering why would Lucy pick Rogue over him?

(Lucy and Rogue went on their date while Mira stayed with Nashi closing up the Guild.)

(Nashi P. O. V Nashi can't speak yet)

Me and Auntie Mira were closing big doors while mom and dad went somewhere I didn't cry because I knew they'll be back. We turn around and a very beautiful red head they start to talk about a cake the red head bends down to my height and asks

Who is this bundle of joy?

This is Nashi auntie Mira says.

Nice to meet you Nashi I'm Erza. Erza said.

We walk to auntie Mira's house and hang out Erza place me in a chair in the kitchen. They got me some paper and crayons I started to draw me,auntie Mira,and Erza but label them as Mira as an angel and Erza as a pweety I can't spell everything right. When I was done I showed them the picture they started crying I wonder why?

(Mira's P. O. V)
I was getting ingredients we handed Nashi some crayons so we can start to make a cake for Erza because she is going on a job in 4 days and she wants one of my awesome cakes for the road. I was getting a pan for Ezra to dump the batter in the pan I stop to see Nashi wanted to show me her drawing. I stared to cry when I saw it, it was me, Nashi and Erza I was label as an angle. Usually people call me a demon or a monster no one has ever called me an angel especially a child they always run away.

(Erza's P. O. V)
I was mixing the batter I saw Mira was crying from the corner of my eyes I look over and see the picture that Nashi drew. It was me, Mira, and Nashi I started to cry as well because even though I hide behind my stone cold face I hear people call me a monster or a devil and no one calls me pretty by choice.

(Nashi's P. O. V)
Me and my aunties came and gave each other a hug to make everyone feel better. We played games had a good time and I shared the last of the cookie dough. We made cookies to make us feel better I walked up to them and gave them a tiny bit of cookie dough. Then said gookie they jumped to the Side and said we made Lucy miss her child first words. We'll never tell them this or else they shivered in fear thinking on what could happen to them if mommy found out. My eyes became more and more sleepy I close my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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