Chapter 27 Family Reunion

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(Nashi's P. O. V)
(Next morning in the Guild)

We enter the guild and I wasn't feeling too good grandma still needed to make the cure for my cut. I sat down feeling sick Storm my beloved mate came over and asked if I was feeling okay. I told him I was and he stood by my side for the whole day till the doors open.

Everyone in the guild looked over at the doors to see Porlyusica at the door.

She walked over to me and gave me a bottle of pills. Take these for the rest of the week one for everyday you'll start to feel better. She said in the nicest tone.


No she is just a very nice lady who helped me out when I needed help but Wendy was too busy healing you! I yelled

Well if it wasn't for the demon I wouldn't be hurt! I'll kill every last demon in this world if I have too! Nastu yelled

Grandeeny walked over to Nastu and slapped him and yelled FOOL YOUR TO RECKLESS TO EVEN REALIZE YOU WERE SAVED BY THE DEMON NOT HURT!

What do you me-

I was there when you were shot out of the sky by lightning and as you fell you and Happy were saved by the two demons.

I was looking at the floor sad because of my dad saying he'll kill every last demon. That includes me I see Storm look sad as well I started to have tears slip through my eyes. Then I see my mom and dad were looking at me with a questionable look on there face.

What's wrong Nashi is it because I said I'll kill every last demon do you want me to make it a promise? I asked

Idiot! I smacked him again. You take so much ruckus you don't even take time to ask how your daughter is. Like yesterday I was informed that two days ago was here birthday! Storm was the only one to attend her birthday while the rest of you were on a mission! I yelled

Wait yesterday was your birthday Nashi you didn't even tell us? Nastu said

I can't believe I left my daughter two days ago and didn't even tell her happy birthday. Lucy had tears slipping down her cheeks.

I thought you wouldn't care you haven't even showed up on any of my birthday I've been in the guild for 4 years now and not once have you shown up. The least you could do is tell me happy birthday but no every time it's my birthday. You go on a mission as if I don't exist and your just ignoring me IT HURTS ME CAUSE I AM TRYING TO GET TO KNOW YOU AND YOU PUSH ME AWAY EVERY TIME! I yelled crying I had enough and ran outside the guild.

Nashi wait! Nastu yelled

(Storm's P. O. V)
I see Nashi run out of the guild crying now I'm mad thinking about a father not being there for his daughter.

Nashi wait! Nastu yelled

I blocked the doors and everyone in the room got silent he tried to run past me but I stopped him I felt my skin turn to scales. I threw him across the room and and he crashed into a wall but got up. LEAVE NASHI ALONE SHE'S NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU IM GOING AND NO ONE ELSE! I yelled I gave off the fallow me and you'll die type of vibe.

I got yelled at by a 16 year old and he gave off a fallow me and you'll die type of vibe. I looked down in a okay you win look I see Erza got up and walk in front of Storm and told him she'll make sure no one leaves the guild. He nodded and left the guild to go after Nashi.

(30 minutes later)
(Nashi's P. O. V)
I came back and walked up to Nastu and looked him in the eyes. I remember telling you that when I feel comfortable enough I'll tell you where your father is. I don't feel comfortable around you but I think it's about time we have a chat with grandpa. EVERYONE OUTSIDE NOW! I yelled.

We walked out side and I stood in front of them GRANDPA, GRANDMA, AUNTS, AND UNCLES! I yelled time to show your self I yelled

(The wind kicked up and the sky changed color from blue to Grey there was a loud explosion and Lava came from a mountain. The cold weather came closer the wind got stronger and the stars fell forming a huge dragon. The rest of the dragons followed behind there queen and all were on their way to FairyTail.)

Hello Igneel, Grandeeny, Metalicana, Skiadrum,Weisslogia, the dark dragon himself Acnologia, Fost bite, Aqua, Death, Electra, Terra, Zeus, Hunter and last but not least the Queen of the Stars the Celestial Dragon.

Everyone's face dropped to the floor I turn around and smile at them they all smile back but the queen. She had a tear roll down her cheek I looked up at her and ask Does she know?

Layla just shook her head no.

Well I asked you all hear so we can get a lot of things straightened out so I need all of you in human form now please.

They all nodded.

But first I need to speak with my daughter to get everything straighten out. Layla said.

I nodded.

I walked over to my mom and shook her out of her trance she was in from shock to see the dragons.

What is it Nashi? Lucy asked.

Mom the queen wants to speak to you in private if you don't mind.

No, not at all just going to speak to the queen of the dragons that rule over all other dragons no pressure there. Lucy says.

Nashi Searching for my familyWhere stories live. Discover now