Chapter 18 Her Demon

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(Igneels P. O. V)
Nastu I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for my queen she decided to give everyone a second chance. Plus she needed are help with something now stop pestering me before I throw you across the world. I snapped

Igneel are you alright you are never so mean? Nastu asked

I'm sorry but if it wasn't for Nashi I would be dead and I wouldn't have the second chance to see you. Her mark was unsealed and if it was to completely unseal then Zeref would know where she is.

Why would Zeref want Nashi she maybe have multiple dragon magic but what does he want with her?

That is not my place to say I have to go back now it was nice seeing you Nastu maybe I'll see you another time when I'm not working.

(Nastu's P. O. V)
Igneel left he dropped by gave us more questions then answers and left Igneel come back! I yelled now I am more mad then happy I'm glad he's alive but come on he could have stopped by. I look at Nashi passed out I hate her for not telling me where he is.

(Nashi's P. O. V)
I start to wake up it's now night fall I look at my mark the dragon seal is sealed away still. I see there are six of us and three tents so two people in each tent. I turn over to see I was tent buddies with Storm I felt safe in his presence. I quietly get out of my tent cause I was hungry I looked over and saw a cherry tree I climbed it and started eating cherries. They were so sweet I was spitting out the seeds I was so wrapped up in eating I didn't hear Storm come up to me.

Nashi are you okay? Storm whispered yell

Yea just eating cherries. He walked over and climb the tree and sat on the brand across from me.

I didn't know this was a cherry tree? Storm said

We started eating cherries we talked then I realized that I had to go to the restroom but we're in the forest. I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom I said

Okay now that you mention it I have to go as well. Storm said

I laugh and we went are different ways to go I found a bush did my business and walk back as I was walking back a twig snapped. I turn to get punched in the face I fell then my mouth was covered up with a leather muzzle. I realize that it was going to happen I was going to get dragged back to Zeref and get beaten to death. I was pinned to the ground I used my strength and kicked him off of me. I knew I was never going to get help from a normal wizard. So with him off me I yelled DADDY HELP ME! I knew only he would get the message in time.

(Nastu's P. O. V)
I was asleep when I roll over I was paired with Lucy because me and Grey fight. So now I was facing Lucy I was half awake and half asleep when I heard. DADDY HELP ME! It sound like Nashi so I shot up and Lucy felt me get up. It sounded so real I need to check on Nashi so I walked out of the tent knowing Lucy is wake but I said nothing to her. I went over and looked in Nashi's tent Storm and Nashi where gone my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I didn't care about who was sleeping or not NASHI! STORM! A few seconds everyone was out of their tent asking me what's going on.

Nashi and Storm are gone. I say

What? All day at the same time.

Three check that was three check this way go now! I yelled

Nashi hang in there (DADDY IS COMING!) I thought

I took off to the direction of her yelling then I saw it there where foot prints and clawing as if someone tried to grab something. The rest came back with Storm they found me and they saw the marks we fallow them then we found her on the floor slowly coming to after being unconscious.

(Nashi's P. O. V)
I was digging my fingers into the ground trying to grab something so I grabbed a rock and hit the guy. It work for a second he loosen his grip but then threw me along way. I still had this stupid muzzle on and it's very hard to get off of. I suddenly get this really mad rage my head started to hurt and my hands grew claws. Then I grew wings the man kick me a good distance while that was happening. I landed in a river I saw my reflection I grew horns,claw so, and wings. I easily lit my hands on fire all I thought about was giving him karma for what he's done. I run and kick him and he went flying I turn to and fly past him caught him and slam him to the ground I broke an arm and I let him live I wrote a note to Zeref and I wrote another one saying for that man to give Zeref the note if he wanted to live he nodded. Then ran away after that I fell to the floor losing consciousness when I began to wake up I saw my dad was there he got my message just in time. I realize that I still had on the muzzle and started to panic. I started to help me get it off and when they did I started to ball my eyes out. I hugged my dad and I didn't let go of him till I was finally back at camp we all went back to bed but someone would be on watch. Grey failed on keeping watch I lay my head on my pillow and fell also I started to cry in my sleep I could feel the tears roll down my face. I was embraced in a hug and I open my eyes too see Storm hugging me I huge him back knowing tonight in safe.

(Storm's P. O. V)
I was in a tent sleeping when I heard little sobs coming from the tent over so I walked out of my tent and went over to Nashi's tent she was crying in her Sleep. I laid down next to her and started to hug her I could feel her twitch awake from me. I whispered in her ear I won't let anyone take you away from me I'll protect you from them. She gently went back to sleep and I fell asleep after her and we slept till the next morning.

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