Chapter 1

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Tré's P.O.V

Its been 12 years after the massive argument with Billie and we decided just to be friends for the sake of the band. I don't have feelings for him anymore. Maybe a little but surely everyone feels the same way about their ex's? I know for sure Billie doesn't love me back. I'm proud of Billie though. He's been sober for 11 years. I can't remember a time I was sober. Wait why am I talking to myself. "TRÉ! EARTH TO TRÉ!? YOU IN THERE BUDDY!?" Billie shouted at me. Dammit. I was enjoying my thoughts. "Yeah. Yeah I'm here. What do you want?" I said groggily. "I was asking if you was still up for the tour?" "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" "Dude. You haven't been yourself lately" "Just stressed about the tour" I lied. Billie stared at me. "No you're not. I know when you're stressed. Something's on your mind". I watched as Billie sat in front of me on my bed. "I'm fine Billie. Honestly". Billie looked down and twiddled his thumbs about. I looked at him. He looked as if he wanted to asked something but he was scared too. Oh god no. He's not going too.. is he? He can't! He's got two kids with Adrienne. I mean like he's not with her but it still would be weird. He can't love me. I was dragged out of my thoughts by a question that sort of offended me. "Tré.. You haven't been y'know. Se-Self ha-harm-ing have you?" Billie croaked out. I stared at him blankly. "What no. What makes you say that?" "I dunno. You just haven't been yourself". I stared at him blankly. What the fuck is he on about?

Billie's P.O.V

He's staring at me. What's he thinking? I'm really worried about him. My mind's racing. What's he going to say? Is he going to flip? Here it goes... "Show me your wrists"...

Tré's P.O.V

He is really losing the plot. But I done as he asked. No problem. Why does he think I've been self harming? Is he going crazy? Or is it me? "Billie what's all this about? Are you losing the plot?" "What no. I'm just taking precaution"

Billie's P.O.V

"What no. I'm just taking precaution" I mumbled to him. They're just old scars. I'm pretty sure I had tears in my eyes because Tré was hugging me. Weird? I didn't think too much of it and hugged him back. "Its okay. I know you hate seeing the scars" I heard him whisper. His voice what so comforting y'know. He let go and it was so cold. "Alright. But if theres anything wrong you would tell me wouldn't you?" I asked, scared of his answer. I don't know why. I just was. "Yeah of course Bill Bill. You're my best mate". Bill Bill? He hasn't called me that since we were dating. I'm guessing he just wants to use the nickname again. "Alright Tré Bear" I chuckled. I moved and sat next to him on his bed. It wasn't uncomfortable, well for me it wasn't. "Why did you move?" Tré asked. "So I can sit next to you.." I said, confused. I put on some random shit on the TV. I think it was Modern Family? It seems pretty good. Tré was staring ag me, he looked like he wants to rip my head off. "Why are you staring at me?" "Why are you really close to me?" "I asked the question first" "And I asked my question second. Does it really matter?" "No. No it doesn't matter" "Yeah why are you sitting really close to me?" "I'm cold" "Oh alright"

Tré's P.O.V

Billie's acting really weird now. Is he planning something? I'm really confused and its fucking annoying me now. "Billie are YOU okay?" I asked him. "Yeah. I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't be" "Alright. You're just acting weird now" "No I'm not" "Yeah you are" "What hanging out with you is weird now?" "No I was just saying.. Y'know don't worry about it" "Yeah bitch. I won" "Fuck you" "You'd gladly do that" "Oh yeah. Totally. Uh fuck Billie. Yeah totallyyyyyy". Oh my god. That just sounded like I do. Oh my god nope. I'm out. "Yeah who wouldn't want a bit of this sexy thing" "Me. I don't" "Bull. Shit" "Haha yeah mate" "Oh whatever Tré. I'm super sexy and you just don't know it". Oh Billie I know alright. "Yeah okay Billie. Whatever floats your boat" "Cheers Tré. You're so supportive" "I know I am". He's so fucking annoying bit the cute kind y'know? "Okay I'm going downstairs, you coming Tré?" "Nah I've got stuff to do" "Oh I get ya". Billie winked at me. Oh my god he really is dumb. "Not like that Billie. Stuff for the tour" "Oh yeah okay whatever. I'll leave you too it". Billie walked out and down the stairs.

Billie's P.O.V

I saw Mike flicking channels on the TV. "How's Tré?" He asked me. I sat down next to him. "Yeah he's good" "You were up there for quite a while.. You and Tré are not you know.. Because I'm not dealing with the arguments again" "What no Mike. No no no. We're not together, or banging for that matter" "Woah I didn't want to know" "Well you know now that I do not suck Tré's dick" "Oh my god Billie shut up". I laughed so hard I was crying. It's funny when you say stuff to annoy him. "Wow Mike. You're so easy to annoying or cringe the fuck out of you" "Yeah I know. Go to bed. Its late" "Why don't you?" "Because you're annoying me. Now up" "Fineee" I groaned and walked up the stairs. I walked into Tré's room and I jumped onto him.

Tré's P.O.V

I was sort of asleep but then I felt this heavy body smash down into mine. "OH MY FUCKING GOD GET OFF". I heard Billie giggling. "BILLIE GET OFF ME". He rolled over and laid next to me. "What are you doing?" "I'm sleeping in here tonight. I'm bored and I'm going annoy the fuck out of you tonight because I'm hyper". Oh god you do not want to be with Billie when he's hyper...

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