Chapter 9

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Tré's P.O.V

What is depression like? What is depression? Those words kept replaying in my mind. "Its uh like. Well. Its like a bottomless pit. You're fine until you fall. When you fall you're like 'oh shit'. And you keep falling and falling. At the beginning there was a bit of light but then it turns all dark. Pitch black. But its not necessarily a bottomless pit. You can save yourself. Get yourself back to the light". I really didn't want to talk about my depression. He knows not too. He fucking knows. "Wow. I'm sorry Tré. I never realised depression is that bad. If I knew I would've helped you even more. Not that I didn't try my best because I really did. I just. I don't know Tré" "Well you didn't know. And anyway you fucking know I don't like talking about my depression for fuck sake". I don't know what came over me. I was just so angry. I stormed off to my 'room' in the bus. I heard him run after me but I ignored him and slammed myself down onto my bed.

Billie's P.O.V

I feel bad now. I was just curious. I ran after him and slowly walked into his room in the bus. "Fuck off Billie" "Tré I'm so-" "NO YOU'RE FUCKING NOT THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I'VE TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK ABOUT IT AND YOU STILL ASK!". I was dumbfounded. I'm such a fucking dick. I stared down at my feet letting the tears flow freely down my face. "I'm sorry Tré.." I whispered and ran out. I ran out the bus and just ran. I bumped into Mike on the way and told him to go fuck himself. I know I shouldn't take it out on him but I just want to be left alone. I ran. And ran. And ran. Until I found a pub. I know I really shouldn't but I don't give a fuck anymore. I've hurt Tré. I walked in, looking a right mess as usual. It was pretty empty. Well, to be fair its late into the night. I went up to the bar and took a seat. "What can I get you" "Dunno. Shots. Just lots and lots of shots". The bartender was a women. She smiled at me as she put out 20 shot glasses and filled them all. Thank god. I downed them all. I don't care anymore. I really don't soon enough the alcohol kicked in. I turned around to see a very familiar face. One that I really didn't want to see. "Adrienne" I whispered. "Billie Joe Armstrong. You have been sober for 11 years. Yet you let your guard down now? You've come so far". And the thing that helped me get sober is pissed at me. Great. "Yeah well y'know. Gets rid of your best mate/lover hating you out of your mind" "You're back with Tré?" "We weren't official it just kinda. I dunno. Happened. Sex happened" "Too much information" "Hey you asked" "I only asked if you were back with Tré. It was a yes or no answer really" "Oh." "Yeah 'oh'. Anyways.. I was thinking we could y'know go back to my place. Talk things through. See what happens from there". Was she asking for sex? Oh whatever. I'd totally bang her. "Yeah sure" I smiled and she led me out the pub..

Tré's P.O.V

I have a bad feeling about Billie. I don't know though. I was just crying and crying into Mike's shoulder. Me and Billie are NOT meant to be together but I still love him. God. I really do fucking love him but he's a fucking nightmare to control. Especially his feelings. Can't fucking control those. It felt like hours has passed but but in reality it has only been 2 and a half hours. Great. I phoned up Billie. No answer. I phoned him again. No answer. And I tried again. Finally. He picked up after the third ring. "What?" I heard his voice. It was so nice to hear his voice. "Billie. Please come back. I'm sorry" "Mhm. Dunno" "Please Bill Bill. I'm sorry" "Okay. Won't be long" I smiled and hung up the phone.

Billie's P.O.V

I got up off Adrienne's couch and left without saying goodbye. The tour bus was only a couple of blocks down so it wasn't that far. After a few minutes I finally arrived. I opened the door and I felt Tré wrap his arms around me. To be honest. I pretty much sober now anyway. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I didn't want to let go. I couldn't let him go. Not when I love him.

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