Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Prolouge

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I first met Annabeth Chase because of a wedding.

And maybe I could tell you that that's how this story would end. We'd be holding hands at the alter after we slowly fell in love, had some problem, one didn't want to speak to the other, then the other forgave them and confessed their love to them in front of a crowd while La Vie en Rose played in the background.

As you'll see though if I had said that I would have been lying.

I saw Annabeth Chase at my cousins wedding when we were nine years old. Her brother was best friends with the bride (also cousins, sorta, but we don't like to think about that) and the bride thought it would be super cute if Annabeth was a bridesmaid and I a groomsmen. So if you expected that somewhere in this story Annabeth and I would walk down the aisle together then I guess you're right.

I'm not going to lie, she didn't think much of me and I didn't think much of her. I thought she was stuck up and she thought I was obtuse.

My mom and her brother had been real MVPs in the planning portions. We were brought to day after day of planning and maybe that would make us hate it, we were two nine year olds after all, neither of us should've wanted to be bothered with wedding colours and wedding bands, (though maybe testing wedding cakes) but there was a spark. We were eager to help in anyway that we could.

And we did. At nine years old we did an impressive amount. We had a binder full of types of wedding cakes, the best wedding bands, venues, caters and their menus, bridal stores and where to get the same thing for half the price, wedding colours and tailors.

How did we get there from having a general dislike for each other you ask? Simple: common enemy. Who may that be... if you guessed crazy ex, ding, ding, ding! You win a prize!

The ex was none other than Luke Castellean, who had dated Silena (my cousin) on and off since they  were seniors in high school and had just decided he was madly in love with her again. He had never come back around while she was dating Beckendorf. (her fiancé, I promise that's not his first name) It wasn't till he found out that she would be off limits forever that he finally came back 'round again.

He kept meddling, breaking up their wedding and pulling everything apart. He was causing tension between the couple until they'd snap and Silena would go back to him.

Annabeth and I decided we needed to throw down our arguing and band together to fix this one thing. You might expect some extravagant plan but we were rather intelligent nine year olds. One carefully plotted sob story told by two cute little children and a date with Ethan Nakumara (his long time crush, know your enemies) and he crumbled. I know I painted him out to be some big bad villain but honestly he wasn't. He did what was right in the end and I've always thought that's what matters.

From then on though we were a team. A fierce, awesome wedding planning team. Our little binders chock full of ideas were dumped into one and from there on we were Percy & Annabeth.

And honestly I'd like to tell the rest of the story, but for right now the story isn't mine. So I'll turn you over to my partner in crime, Annabeth Chase.


Hey, it's been a while.

You were probably wanting an update on the hospital fic but I just can't do it. I don't really have an interest in it as I left plot holes and wrote some stupid lines. It's really hard to write something that you just don't want to write. So I was looking at my ideas and I had a single chapter that just started with the words I first met Annabeth Chase because of a wedding. I'd recently watched 27 Dresses and  I was reading some Pipabeth fanfic and I just felt inspired. Also you may wonder why it isn't the opposite with Piper being the wedding planner and I know, Aphrodite right? But I decided I wanted to do the reverse simply because I thought it would be interesting. I really enjoy this one and I feel like I will for a while, enough to finish it.

So I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do (maybe even more, I'm hoping more) and here we go.

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