Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Eleven

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A bump from somewhere else on the floor pushed me out of my thoughts. It was 12:00 am. I shouldn't be here. I know I shouldn't be here. Percy tried to push me to go home. I'm scary. I know everyone thinks I'm scary, I don't disagree. I sometimes wish I were friendlier, that I gave off a happier and more welcoming vibe, but I don't see that happening. At least I didn't. It didn't seem so out of reach with Piper. I missed her. Maybe I should call her. No, I literally saw her a day ago. I rubbed at my eyes. Gods I was a mess.

I was in yet another blip. I had been doing so well. Percy had commented yesterday on his guess at why. I didn't tell him that she had nothing to do with it, I just didn't answer. I didn't even know myself, but that was crazy. She didn't even know this happened to me, the hyper focus. I'd never told her because... well... it hadn't happened. I probably should. So maybe I should call her. I got so close, my hand hovered over the screen, ready to place call. I might've done it but I put my phone down and went back to work.

I could never keep very good track of time when I was like this, the fact that I even got distracted was a miracle. I had a clock on my desk but it was turned around. I didn't turn it back. Instead I just guessed an hour had passed. I was wrong, It was three. Which was an odd time for an e-mail.

My computer was set up so that all new mail would immediately alert me. Maybe it was Piper! I checked, it wasn't, but rather the venue Reyna and Jason had first picked. Why were they e-mailing me? They hadn't been able to get a date for it, so they'd gone with their third pick. (second was out too) It was a beautiful place and though I knew he would've been happier with the first, the third was still very nice.

I opened it and read it over. Then I read it over again. I considered calling Reyna, I had to physically restrain myself. I should just reply a venue has already been selected, certainly Jason and Reyna would agree with me. I mean the date available for that place was a month from now. That's impossible. I couldn't return to my work though. I needed to talk to them both before I did anything. I felt defeated, work and sleep beckoning me in two different directions. That was the rule: any new information was talked about first.
Oh gods.

It was while working at another wedding that suddenly I remembered the tables and chairs for the La Rue-Rodriguez wedding were in that storage unit. Percy and I were just going to get them to the venue ourselves. They said they'd hold them for a couple weeks before. We were going to deliver them sometime this week but there was so much stuff to do... what if I just did it now? I had a key for their venue and the unit, plus we'd borrowed my brother's truck, which was still parked right outside this building, I driven it here yesterday, though I suppose yesterday had already passed...

I locked the office up and went jetting downstairs. This was perfect I'd get them all done and I could use the time for meeting Jason and Reyna. I got out to the street and jumped into the truck. I was still marvelling at how great this was. I felt free, like I was Atlas and the weight of the sky was being taken off my back.

The unit holding all the chairs and tables was just at the outskirts of the city. I had to drive them all out a bit further to get to the hall. It'd be quite a bit of work but I was determined. I had done worse. It was better than just sitting at a computer all day.

I loaded up as many as I could but I knew it would take multiple trips. My back was already aching but the time I loaded the last chair in. All the way out I played 40s and 50s music. It felt like a perfect time for it. Out and in and out and in with Doris Day and Sinatra at my side, even when I wasn't in the vehicle. By the time I delivered the last table the sun was peaking up over the horizon. I suppose I drove myself out to my dad's after that. I don't know how I did it. I passed out there, just four houses away from his.

Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding / / Pipabeth NOMINATED FOR PJO_WATTY AWARD GO VOTEWhere stories live. Discover now