Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Four

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"He means well, just a little strange," I said referring to Percy and his impression of my parent.

"He runs the business with you right?" Piper asks me.

"Yeah, he was just in the other room, he'll probably help with the planning for your friend's wedding."

"How long have you guys been friends?"

"Uh... About nineteen years."


"Yeah you think in nineteen years I could've picked someone better." She laughs. There's a moment of silence as I open the door for her to the stairwell.

"Okay so game plan for tonight. We find out as much as we can about eachother. It's more important that I know about you since Reyna will be able to call me on it, but for fluidity you'll have to know about me." I nodded, she got right down to business, I liked that. "Now is where we iron out any creases because we're going to be the cutest damn couple out there!" She raised her hand for a high five and I accepted. I felt oddly hyped up. A bit of excitement coursing through my veins. I don't really know how, I mean it was a simple dinner, but I was.

"You know," I said, still grinning. "I don't know many people that would do this for a complete stranger."

"Aw no I promise you I'm not being like Hufflepuff nice, I thought it would be a good story. Also what would you do if a pretty girl asked you to pretend to be her girlfriend?"

"Well crap, Harry Potter reference then calling me pretty? Marry me."

"Save that for tomorrow tonight. See how Reyna reacts to that."

"Fine but you have to propose," I point at her. "I don't want to seem like I'm copying her."

"Really Annabeth? You're- Actually, I don't know your age."

"Once we sit down then we can start with that. I'm thinking notes on a phone type thing."

"Cool. I think we've got this." And I can't say that much more than small talk happened until we walked into the restaurant that was only a couple blocks away.

It was a nice little place, slightly casual but not so that it was Olive Garden. I loved the pasta here but didn't ever really come over here unless it was a special occasion. The place wasn't super big or super small but you could normally get a table after a wait of only a couple minutes. I had a reservation though so we just sat down.

I took a quick glance at the drinks menu and picked the first thing that I saw that I liked. Piper seemed to just scan the menu in one second and find exactly what she wanted. We both pulled out our phones and I pulled up the notes app, titling it "Piper McLean."

"Okay," she said and I looked up, setting my phone on the table. "So I was thinking we have to know everything about eachother right?"

"Maybe not everything..."

"But enough so that it can show. Even if they aren't questioning us about everything we still have to have that look, like we know the other person in and out. You work in weddings you know what I'm talking about." And I did. Fine, I could do this.

Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding / / Pipabeth NOMINATED FOR PJO_WATTY AWARD GO VOTEWhere stories live. Discover now