Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Seven

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"Yeah, we'll have to do this again."

"Definitely, we'll keep in touch." I waved my phone towards Reyna as they waved goodbye. We let a minute pass before leaving behind them.

As soon as I Piper and I exited the restaurant we turned to eachother and started yelling.

"Oh my gods we did it!"

"We frickin did it!" I jumped forward and hugged her, something I probably wouldn't do without my elation.

"Thank you... so much. I still can't say how much I appreciate it." I said, pulling back but leaving one arm on her shoulder.

"That's what friends are for eh?" I smiled at her before letting my arm drop.

"Where to now? We have to do something to celebrate. I'm not ready to call it a night yet." I was never so excitable. The feeling was foreign and new and I loved it.

I mean there was pain. Gods it was unmistakable. Just a brush of his skin on hers and I felt like screaming, but this joviality was filling me and filling me and standing next to Piper, I realize, I don't want to be with anyone else.

"I think I know just the place," she wears a sly smirk.

"Do you mind if I head back to the apartment and change first?" I was happy but like hell I wasn't logical. I didn't want to be burdened by the dress all night.

Piper only rolled her eyes before twining her fingers through mine. She spoke with a drawling voice. "You look gorgeous honey." Back to herself, "Now let's go." She lead me down the sidewalk and for a moment I had a single regret. I dismissed it though and hopped in a cab with her.


"Come on," she led me up the street to a building I'd never been in. It's not like I hadn't admired it before. It was a beautiful combination of old and modern, I loved the architect and had been following their work since I was a kid. When I was younger I'd always wanted to be an architect. Then came the whole wedding planner thing, I met Percy and suddenly my plans were made. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had become an architect. I went to school for it, I had the education. I just didn't have the decision. I mean I loved my job. I got to see couples get married all the time.

See when I was little I always thought things were moving too fast. I wanted something permanent. I guess that's why I wanted to be an architect. To build a monument that would last a thousand years. And isn't that what I was doing with planning weddings? I'd always thought so, and though I'd never admit it to Percy, I wasn't so sure of that anymore.

I don't know. I don't even know what I'm saying. I mean I've always loved wedding planning. It's probably just a spout, it's a slight bit of boredom, that's to be expected, I shouldn't be switching my whole life around for a bit of boredom.

"I love this building," I don't really decide to say this, it just comes out.

"I'm glad. Have you ever been in it before?" We're both staring up at the building, just gawking, still holding hands.

"No." Gawking.

"Awesome." She drags me to the door, breaking me out of my daze. There's a man standing at the door. He has a list in his hands and as soon as we walk up he asks our names. Oh, she must have made a mistake.

Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding / / Pipabeth NOMINATED FOR PJO_WATTY AWARD GO VOTEWhere stories live. Discover now