Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Two

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"You have someone coming in this morning?" Percy asked as he passed by my desk.

"Yeah, the Zhang-Levesque wedding. It seems like they're going for the full thing. I'm meeting her like right away. What time is it?" I flicked my wrist up to see it was 8:29."In two minutes she'll be officially late."

"Jeez Bethy, give her a minute I'm sure she'll-"

My phone rang. "And with a minute to spare." I said to him before picking up. "Hello?"

"There's a Miss McLean down here who says she has an appointment for a Zhang-Levesque wedding," our doorman said. When she first called I'd thought the last name sounded familiar and it does still now.

"You can send her up." I hang up the phone and boot Percy out of the chair he plopped down in, in front of my desk. "Don't you have a cake to order?"

"Ugh I guess." He stalks into his office.

The door opens and admits a young woman maybe my age? Her brown hair is choppy with feathers braided into pieces.

She walks forward and I reach out to shake her hand. "Miss McLean?" I ask.

"Hello, yes that's me. Piper will do though." She smiles at me and I notice for the first time that she's actually really beautiful. The thing that catches your eye most about her is well... her eyes. They seem to be very different colour, melting into eachother. She grabs my hand and shakes it and I smile a little bit more.

"Are you who I talked to on the phone?" She asks.

"Yes, though I didn't catch your relation to the couple."

"I'm a friend of the bride."

"Okay so-." I'll stop there. And maybe you wanted to hear all the details about their wedding. The type, the colours, the packages they were interested in. Unfortunately though I expect that the main lot of you will be interested in Piper so I will not be disclosing details about the wedding. If it makes you feel any better though I can safely say that we got quite a lot done in that morning.

Now onto Piper. Not only was she beautiful she was funny too. She had an amazing sense of humour that was thankfully different then that of Percy's sarcasticness. We were talking about the couple but I had that subtle intrigue growing in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to know her favourite colour and her favourite song, I wanted to know what she thought about romantic comedies and the Harry Potter series. Work told me to ask details about the couple but I really wanted details about her.

Soon enough she had to go and I waved her off with a new appointment in my planner for Monday.

I started work on venues. I wasn't too keen on her lateness (shut up Percy if you aren't early you're late) but she impressed me with her organization. She already knew exactly what the budget was, you never get that. I wasn't expecting that.

I'd barely started work on venues when Percy came prancing out of his office.

"So she was cute," he leaned on my desk.

"She was also a client."

"You always tell me Annabeth, the first step is discovering who the real client is. Plus you were drooling."

Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding / / Pipabeth NOMINATED FOR PJO_WATTY AWARD GO VOTEWhere stories live. Discover now