Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Twelve

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"I've been at home for two days!"


"No. I'm going to work! I should've went on Monday!"

"Like hell-"

"I have to meet with Jason and Reyna today. I've delayed it way too much." I dumped my keys in my coat pocket.

He stood in front of the door. "I think we should switch."

"Like hell!" I scoffed indignantly.

"What were you working on when you went into hyper focus?"

"Erre es korakas! Monitor me then! I'm fine!" I shoved past him and walked outside. I pulled the door shut and I was halfway down the hall when I heard him open it again and follow me.


"So I got an e-mail just yesterday," I didn't want questions about why I hadn't told I had gotten an e-mail three days ago. "From Van Smoot House. They managed to get a sooner date." Jason and Reyna turned to each other looking excited. "It's a month from now." Reyna's excitement faded. Jason looked at her still smiling.

"Can we take a second to talk?" Reyna asked.

"Of course. I can move into the other office." I stood up and pushed open the other door fast, which was met with an "Ow!" from Percy. Reyna and Jason's heads flew over to me and I darted through the door.

I started to whisper once the door was closed but Percy put a finger to his lips, shushing me like a librarian and putting his ear back to the door.

"What're they saying?"

He shoved his hand over my mouth. Then whispered lowly "Listen!"

There honestly wasn't much that was interesting. They were arguing. There was that much. Jason was questioning just how hard it would be to get a wedding ready by that time. The answer: very, but I wasn't judging. Reyna thought I had put so much work into having it when they planned that they should keep it. I smiled kind of smugly at that.

Unfortunately just as they started to fight they dropped into a whisper and it was impossible to hear their voices anymore. Percy and I sat back from the door defeated.

"A month?" He mouthed. "That's insane."

I tilted my head. "I could do it."

He went to whispering this time. "I'll make you a deal. You enlist help, then you can do it."

"Don't tell me what do."

"Annabeth..." I knew he was right though. If I went into hyper focus and did something crazy again I'd only be losing precious days.

Soon enough Reyna knocked on the door saying they were done talking. I went back out and sat down putting my best professional voice on.

"So have you guys talked it over?" Like I wasn't just with my ear against the door, gods we're pathetic.

"We have," Reyna smiled at me. I noticed Jason go for her hand, to which she moved it to her lap. "If we were to go a month earlier, would it be possible."

Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding / / Pipabeth NOMINATED FOR PJO_WATTY AWARD GO VOTEWhere stories live. Discover now