Never Plan Your Ex's Wedding: Chapter Five

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I checked my phone to see a message from Percy. Hey, headed to the bar, bring your girlfriend with you if it goes well. If not pity beer on me. I check the time, 11:15. It's still early, it's a Friday. I could just go to bed now and this night would end. It would be so easy. I'd wake up and deal with a hungover Percy. I could finish off that sweater I was knitting for my dad.

But I get up from the floor, where I'd just sunk down. I walk to the bathroom and wash all the make up off. I take my hair down and change out of my dress into (admittedly skinny) jeans and a grey long sleeve. Simple. I don't really care for dressing up. I do brush out my hair a bit, letting it hang loose in curls around my shoulders. A pity beer sounds really good.

I wrap my jacket around me, not bothering with the scarf. I slip on a pair of boots and head back out into the cold. It's started snowing again. Little snowflakes swirl around me, quickly becoming a flurry.

I feel flooded with memories. And as much as I try to build a dam they just burst through. I don't know what's wrong with me. No one ever cares this much. Why did I? And no I'm not stupid, I know I'm still not over her but why? Why was it so hard for me to move on? She did. She did fast. Gods I remember walking this same street to the bar when I found out she'd started dating someone else. It was just so soon. Like you'd think how we'd ended it would've been a bigger deal to her. It was to me.

My head's already pounding. Now here I am and here's Piper and did I slam the door in her face? Why? She's beautiful and funny and I slammed the door in her face. I mean seriously? Why am I still so obsessed with Reyna when I have a girl who was leaning in to kiss me. A cute girl who was leaning in to kiss me.

I had a busy day I should just be turning in, maybe on the couch, maybe with family feud. Why wasn't I doing that? I could have my own little pity party, complete with hot chocolate.

I scrunched my shoulders in closer, desperately trying to block out the cold. I should be there in a moment. I could just drink my problems and maybe state them to a bartender. What would it matter? I'd be just another drunk fool.

Me, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar. I'm guessing. I have no idea what the other two men have as a profession. As soon as I walk in I find Percy. It's incredibly easy. Where's Percy is Where's Waldo but the kids version. If it were Finding Percy instead of Finding Nemo the movie wouldn't be a minute long. "Where's Percy?" "He's over there, the one crowd-surfing." "'Kay Cool." Literally anyone else: *Can't find Percy in a crowd.* Annabeth: "Hold on I got this. Karaoke!" Percy: "KARAOKE!" Annabeth: "There he is." You literally did not have to be a hufflepuff to find him.

Sure enough Percy was upfront and as the previous meme suggests, he was singing karaoke. I pulled my hood down and looked at him. I think it may be from being friends for nineteen years but he immediately turned to look at me.

"Annabeth!" He pointed at me. "Hey guys this is my best friend Annabeth, she's amazing, everyone give a hand for Annabeth." His words were slurred but I didn't need that to know he was drunk. He was the "confess your love" kind of drunk.

He had the crowd very much under his control as they all started clapping for me. I had to admit it, I liked Fridays. Everyone here was getting off of work for the week so they were all happy drunk, especially since they always brought a karaoke machine out on Fridays. That, was entertaining. I hopped up on a bar stool and ordered my regular. I wanted to just sit and listen to Percy and the crowd that he ruled. No one else seemed to want to take his stage so he stood up there and performed as Percy does. It was funny and for a little bit I forgot that I was sad... Or what ever I was.

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