Chapter 12: Company

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After the interaction at Elsa's house a few hours later the group decided to head home. Jack woke up this morning feeling a little bit too excited for what was about to take place. That plus he lost his staff and was almost a hundred percent positive that Pitch stole it when he was knocked up against the wall. He knew that he should feel scared but for some reason he was feeling invincible. Maybe it was because he was overly self-confident or because he had a group of friends that would always have his back. In his old school he never had that. Before moving here he had a full family but after his parents divorce his mom got him and his dad got his little sister so he hasn't really seen them since. It's almost like he found a new family to fill in the space of what he felt was lost. Of course he saw the others on holidays but that was only 4 times a year.

Jack left the house a little bit earlier this morning in hopes he could go over the plan with the group one more time to make sure everyone had their part straight. He made his way to the front of the school where everyone else normally waits for him and sat there for a few minutes until Elsa and what appeared to be her sister Anna showed up. You could definitely see the family resemblance but mostly in the facial features. Elsa had pale skin and platinum blonde hair but Anna had more colour to her with tanned skin and an more auburn hair colour.

"Hey." Jack shouted. While waving for Elsa to come over.

"Hey Jack! This is my sister Anna. Anna this is Jack." Elsa said enthusiastically.

Anna then leaned over to Elsa and said a little to loudly "You said he was cute but that is an understatement. He's hot."

Jacks cheeks turned a bright shade of red. Elsa thought he was cute and that was more than enough to make him feel all giddy. He contemplated asking her out right there and then but he felt it would be better to wait till their alone.

As soon a Anna left, Hiccup and Merida appeared, so their really wasn't much time for him to get a word in with Elsa. Punzie still wasn't here but it was getting a little late so he figured they should just get a head start on it now.

"Okay so lets just review the plan. In order to get Pitch out of his office Merida is going to start shooting arrows from her bow in order to cause havoc in the hallways. Then as he comes out to try and catch her Punzie is going to fake slip and start crying about possibly breaking something and ask him for help. This probably wouldn't work had we not been at school but he needs to atleast keep up the act in front of his teachers and students. While he's no longer in his office me and Elsa will sneak in to he office and check his drawers for any thing suspicious, while Hiccup keeps lookout and make sure we have enough time to get out before Pitch comes back. " Jack says out of breath.

"Shouldn't you or Elsa atleast use your powers or something to make things a little bit more fair. I mean if Principal Black really does have the power you say he does wouldn't we want to freeze him in place or something. " Hiccup states.

Although Jack admits he has a point "Elsa isn't exactly comfortable with her powers yet, and exposing ourselves might be a bad decision. It's not like Pitch has actually seen our powers yet so showing him might be a bad idea right now. "

Punzie runs up to the front of the school still dressed in her pyjamas, looking like she had a ruff night. She explained to us that she didn't get much sleep because she was to scared too. Jack guessed that she must have had a nightmare and didn't exactly know where that mixed in with this.

We decided that doing the stunt at lunch would be the most ideal seeing as that's when everyone's out in the hall and would make him feel more obligated to go help Rapunzel. It was almost time for the plan to take place and Pitch was exactly where we need him. Merida had already been signed out as sick, so she could easily run off school property hopefully without to much trouble. I mean she was only shooting nerf arrows but bringing fake weapons to school is still taken seriously. She had a Halloween mask on to cover her face and she was wearing a wig so her obvious red locks wouldn't draw too much attention.

Rapunzel was standing by the nearest water fountain in view of the office, which sometimes started to leak so it was a bit more believable that she'd slip there and could also result in the school being sewed due to the fact that they failed to put up any warning signs.

Hiccup was leaning against the office wall pretending to be reading a book to make it seem a little less obvious that he's staking out his office.

Me and Elsa were by her locker which was conveniently in he same area as office as well. Everyhing was going as planned.

As the lunch bell rang the hall became crowded and our plan started off exactly as we wanted it too. Merida's part was already completed and Punzie had just slipped and pressed a bone cracking sound she downloaded onto her phone.

Me and Elsa quickly dashed into his office and started checking his drawers for something suspicious and also my staff because I couldn't seem to find it since last week but one of the drawers were locked. We started looking around for a key but ...

"What are you doing in my office." Pitch said smirking as if he found this entirely amusing. "Did you really think I would fall for your stupid plan. I knew as soon as Hiccup took his spot by my door that this would have something to do with you."

"I don't know what your hiding but I sure as heck know you stole my staff." Jack shouted.

"Oh you mean this stick." He said pulling the staff out from behind his back. "Huh I thought that maybe I would burn it but I thought seeing the look on your face would be so much more amusing."

"Just give it back to him Mr.Black."

"Ohhh little Elsa wants to stand up for the cute new kid. Well guess what sweetie, if your attracted to power, without this staff he is nothing. I am ten times more powerful than he is."

She looked baffled and didn't really know what to say.

"How about we make a trade, I let you and your pathetic group of friends live and Jack can have his staff back." He said smirking.

"What's the catch?" Jack knew that it would be too easy, if he got to save both his friends and his staff without some sort of benefit too him.

"Elsa has to spend a day out with me. Of course it would be completely worth the trade, I would be a complete gentleman."

"Dude your like 40." Jack said wanting to hurl.

"Age is but a number. Are we making the deal or not."

"Yea sure, we'll take the deal just don't hurt my friends." Elsa said. He turned to her in shock, this was all his fault He knew that he should've just left them out of this and went after Pitch himself.

Swirling smoke surrounds Elsa and they disappeared. Whatever it takes Jack will find her. He will follow them the whole day if he has to. Jack needed to make sure she stayed safe. Even if it was only for a day...

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