Chapter 14: Reunited

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Jacks POV

The other side of the portal was a lot like the forest they were in before but this land was full of ice and snow. How had Pitch made it all the way out here in such a short amount of time? They all stood there staring at one another in shock. It seems that they all had the same idea in mind. That they would be somewhere close to home but apparently they'd all been wrong.

"Where the heck are we? Merida exclaimed, trying to make sense of the situation.

"This is awesome, I have never seen so much snow before." Punzie screamed in joy.

"I don't see Elsa anywhere, are you sure we can trust those wisps." Jack said.

"I highly doubt they would've took us here if it wasn't for a reason. Wisps aren't pests they are good spirits."

"Well then, what's the plan? Should we split up?" Hiccup asked, quickly inserting himself into the conversation in hopes to prevent another argument.

"Jack and Punzie can go north and we will go south. If anyone finds her then we can just text the others." Merida said.

"Oh my god! You guys are a we now!!!!" Punzie yelled excitedly. Both Merida and Hiccup blushed while Jack reverted the conversation back to Elsa.

"How are we supposed to "text" if there is no signal?"

"Okay so we will just meet back here at the portal within like a half an hour. Conveniently we all have phones capable of telling time."

"Alright, lets go."

Elsa's POV

As she explored the castle grounds, Pitch strolled beside her trying but failing to engage in a truly meaningful conversation.

"So about your powers, how many times have you actually used them." Pitch inquired.

Elsa was unsure if she could trust him but then she figured he already knew about them so why not just tell him.

"Maybe once or twice. I've only actually found out about them last week."

"Is that why you were so distraught that day in my office?"

"Umm yea. I was a little bit in shock."

"I could sense that, which is why I was trying to comfort you. You do realize you can trust me right?"

"Can I?" She said while looking him straight in the eye.

"Would I have done all this is? Would I have went out of my way to make your dream come true if I didn't truly care about your well being?"

"Well it's either that or you want something from me. I'm just not sure which one it is yet."

"What could I have possibly wanted from you, other than companionship."

"I don't know, that's something only you could answer."

"I feel like we started off on the wrong foot. I'm really not as dark as I seem."

"You get your powers from nightmares. How is that not dark?"

"All powers have the capability of being dark. It's the person who wields them which truly decides."

Jacks POV
"Do you think that Hiccup and Merida will start dating?"

A few minutes pass "Jack!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just so focused on finding Elsa. Did you say something?"

"You must really care about her."

"I mean yea don't we all."

"Not in the same way as you do."


"You clearly have feelings for her. All you can think about is her. Even before she was taken I could see the way you glance at her."

"Okay yea, so maybe I do have feelings for her. But it doesn't matter because she doesn't know."

"So why haven't you told her."

"I .... don't know."

"When we find her, and we will find her. If you don't tell her, I will."



"Thank you."

Merida's POV
After walking for about twenty minutes they still hadn't found any sign of Elsa.

"I hope they are having better luck than us." Merida sighed. "This sucks."

"I mean it's not all that bad, things could be worse."

"How so?"

"We could've been separated."

"Yea that's true I guess this isn't all that bad. It's been a long time since we've had a moment alone." She said reaching for Hiccups hand.

As they continued walking straight, their pupils began to dilate as they came into contact with a castle made of shimmering ice.

"Do you think she's in there?"

"Only one way to find out." Merida stalked forward as Hiccup grabbed hold of her arm.

"Maybe we should find the others before we go in."

"That's wasting time, Elsa could be tied up in there. It's a castle she could be in the dungeons for all we know."

"You have a point but Pitch is powerful and neither of us have what Jack does. This is literally a castle of ice. This is his domain."

"I hate to admit it, but your right."

"Let's go find the others. I have a feeling things are going to get out of control."

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